Not really, we love to mention the h2h.
I'm proud that Fed lost to legends. Better than losing to Davy, Rosol, Brown.
Look, my logic is this. Everyone loses. But, if you lose, at least make it as painless as possible, lose past your best and deep in majors and in close five setters.
You don't realize that h2h makes Fed look even better, when in context. Fed was so great with his B game that he made it deep. Rafa with his B game either didn't play or didn't make the final.
So, yeah Rafa's wins over Federer are even more overshadowed by his losses vs several lower guys.
Guys, wouldn't you rather Rafa have losing h2h vs Federer and winning those slams he lost to Brown???
I mean, how can Rafa fans be happy with that? I can say, ok Fed lost rarerly, but at least it was freaking clay goat, I'm still proud.
So, Nadal fans are the last ones who use the h2h, for some reason they think it helps them I don't really know why.
Even in 2017, isn't better for Nadal fans that Nadal lost to Fed in those finals and is now nr.1, rather than losing early and be 0-0 vs Federer? Surely you are more proud and at least you can say, he is nr.1 and he lost to an all time great player only. Isn't this better???