USTA/MAS New Governance


Recently got this letter. Anybody know what's up?

I wish to inform you of recent changes relating to the USTA Mid-Atlantic Section governance.

On June 30, 2014, the Mid-Atlantic Section (MAS) Board of Directors unanimously passed a motion that “all the authority to manage the sport of tennis in the Mid-Atlantic Section, which was previously vested in the districts, be fully vested in the USTA/Mid-Atlantic Section and no others.”

This change and motion was recommended by the USTA MAS Interim Executive Director who had been sent by USTA National to help our Section during its Executive Director search and transition. New USTA/MAS Bylaws are being revised to conform with the recommendations of the Interim Executive Director and to capture the intent of the draft revised By-laws considered by the Board prior to its vote.

Please understand that the MAS Board of Directors did not take this decision lightly and did so only after careful consideration and fulsome discussion. The purpose of the change is to most effectively and efficiently manage our sport and resources while bringing focused support to the USTA Mission to promote and develop the growth of tennis throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

All 2014 scheduled events, programs and tournaments throughout USTA/Mid-Atlantic in DC, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia will continue as planned. We look forward to your continued participation in USTA activities and assure you that the services, programs and benefits you enjoy, will continue.

Our new USTA/MAS Executive Director Tara Fitzpatrick-Navarro is off to a great start and is working with our transition team to help implement our new organizational and governance structure. All USTA/MAS District staff will become Section staff, which will ensure a seamless transition and will allow current District and Section staff to work more collaboratively. This change will also eliminate duplicative efforts and will maximize the impact of our resources throughout the Mid-Atlantic.

The MAS Board of Directors is committed to an effective and efficient transition to this new governance and operating structure that constitutes a more streamlined methodology to support our USTA mission and to guide our Section to a prosperous future. Many questions you may have are addressed in a Frequently Asked Questions document we have prepared.

On behalf of the USTA MAS Board of Directors, thank you for your support and understanding as we work to better serve tennis and USTA Members.


Does this mean there are no more districts or local leagues?


Most likely, it means that the section will be making all of the rules to be consistent throughout the section. Some sections allow districts to make their own rules.

USS Tang

Do you think Northern Virginia with all its tennis leagues will go along? Or will there be a secession from the USTA-MAS like Atlanta did from its section?


Hall of Fame
Do you think Northern Virginia with all its tennis leagues will go along? Or will there be a secession from the USTA-MAS like Atlanta did from its section?

As long as the usta continues to raise costs without improving anything, more sections will eventually break away and become more like ALTA

It takes coordination and balls. :shock: