I’m curious how other junior competitive players across the US feel about the shadow ranking system to determine a players rankings going into the new tournament structure starting in January 2021. I know in Texas it was completely off from what our rankings currently are. The current structure is so different from the new one, it throws everything off. There are some beginner and low intermediate tennis players that are ranked way above some advanced players. This will make it very difficult for some advanced players to enter the same level of tournament they “usually” enter and play in. These problems are happening mainly for two reasons, COVID and not being able to play much this year and the proper current tournament points tables not matching the “new” tournament points table. You can’t force something that just doesn’t fit. Are other states having these problems? Anyone heard if USTA is going to do anything about it? I’m not sure why USTA just doesn’t realize we are in the middle of a pandemic and with everything these players have been going through they need to do things differently than they had planned. Every player should be able to play at the level they have been playing. Period! Although the new tournament structure itself seems to be in the right direction, these shadow rankings are NOT the way to begin a new year.