I learned initially to return serve with a forehand grip because on the backhand side I have a two-handed backhand and can switch quickly once I got my left hand on the handle. I also step in and have a short backswing ala AA :lol: (not really but I hope you get the picture). Lately I was taught to use the volley technique to return serves, i.e. continental grip, step forward and chip the return similar to a volley. My understanding is that this is very effective for doubles because not only does the ball dips at the server's feet, it also cuts down the reaction time of the net person. Moreover, I can disguise a lob return with this technique.
My problem is that because I am learning this stroke during league play, it is cutting down my RoS percentage :evil: . I would revert back to my usual method just to build confidence. Should I continue to learn this method and abandon the short backswing/flat stroke? If not, how can I incorporate both methods into my doubles or singles game? One additional note is that I cannot return extremely fast serves with the short backswing method :roll: .
My problem is that because I am learning this stroke during league play, it is cutting down my RoS percentage :evil: . I would revert back to my usual method just to build confidence. Should I continue to learn this method and abandon the short backswing/flat stroke? If not, how can I incorporate both methods into my doubles or singles game? One additional note is that I cannot return extremely fast serves with the short backswing method :roll: .