Vcore Pro 97 (310) Is super plush


I really enjoy it and it's a favorably balanced racket. I actually extended it half an inch before getting to know it but I love it as it is right now.

If you aren't familiar with XTP buttcaps it's the easiest way to add length to your racket, which I did on my vcore pro. Really nice.

Here's a little video talking about it if you like. Happy to answer questions here or there.


Hall of Fame
Great review mate. A direct comparison with VCore 95 2021 as the ultimate best latest yonex would be amazing too. Keep up the good work :cool:


Oh, I like this idea. Now that I'm open to the idea of modifying the racket as much as I do recently, I am suddenly very intrigued to try the VCORE 95 now that you mention it. I always wished they offered that one in extended length.

I think I will get one and make it 27.5! Thanks for the idea.


Oh, I like this idea. Now that I'm open to the idea of modifying the racket as much as I do recently, I am suddenly very intrigued to try the VCORE 95 now that you mention it. I always wished they offered that one in extended length.

I think I will get one and make it 27.5! Thanks for the idea.
Definitely try the VC95. Both the Vcore Pro 97 and the VC95 offer so much and are very comparable. Obviously the difference is the direct feedback vs the ultra plushness but besides that they are very similar. I’m having a hard time deciding what to play with for the long run, currently it’s the VCP97 still in the honeymoon phase.


Why why? I'm about to demo some Yonex racquets. Is the sweet spot big enough?
I think it's because the 98 might feel weak in comparison. Like it won't go through the ball well. I haven't hit with the 95 but I always felt the 98 was just such a puny feeling racket. And the specs wouldn't necessarily imply this either but something beyond that about it was weak.

The extended length is less this way but I still feel it. Playing with the specs now so we'll see. These things take time to sort out. Might just prefer the 95. Stock I'm sure it's the preferable racket and I haven't even used it lol.


Why why? I'm about to demo some Yonex racquets. Is the sweet spot big enough?
I’ll chime in. Vcore 95 could even belong in another line of racquets away from the Vcore line, it’s just that much different from the Vcore98. It’s like it has a mix of Vcore Pro and Vcore in one racquet. Actually Vcore95 should be Vcore and the vcore98 should be like: Spincore. IDk. Sweetspot feels like a 97. Feels like a scalpel, very precise even more than the vcorepro97 line. Needs A bit of lead (not much)


Hi. Thanks. Where would you put the lead and how much?
First I would start stock because a lot of users here like it stock and I believe for the majority stock works. Then I would go 2 grams @ 3/9 (1 gram each side) and if you need more plow but stability is fine, add 1 gram @ 12, after that if you want more stability then my setup which is:
3 grams @ 3/9 (1.5 each side) and 1 gram @12. I like my racquets around 328 swingweight.


I’ll chime in. Vcore 95 could even belong in another line of racquets away from the Vcore line, it’s just that much different from the Vcore98. It’s like it has a mix of Vcore Pro and Vcore in one racquet. Actually Vcore95 should be Vcore and the vcore98 should be like: Spincore. IDk. Sweetspot feels like a 97. Feels like a scalpel, very precise even more than the vcorepro97 line. Needs A bit of lead (not much)
That sounds delicious.


You want "super plush"? The king of plush for Yonex on these forums is the 2019 Vcore Pro 97HD.
I've had that. Maybe too plush. But felt good. Anyone actually really hit with it? I think it was unpopular because of that drab color and string pattern obviously less popular but the flex was super low. Not as low feeling as it might imply but very low.

That one might have taken it a little too far for my taste but plush? definitely.


How? By being less able to deal with the swingweight and therefore having a weaker shot? What about on serve? Or do you mean always. Does 27 have less power than a jr racket? Because it's longer.
Hi. How are you? A Jr. Racket is too light. You won't get any power. Just go out on a field and hit 7 balls with the long racquet as far as you can Kyrgios style when he is getting a ball abuse warning. Mark the spot with some sticks or something. Take the balls back and do the same with the short racquet. You will see the short racquet hits the balls further. Try it a few times alternating which racquet goes first to eliminate that it is an arm fatigue problem. You will see the results.

The other way around is imagine you have a racquet that is 4 metres long. How fast do you think you could swing this racquet?

Also, I can post a video of a guy who has Rafas actual racquet from a grand slam major and it is shorter than 27" Same with Djokovic although people now tell me he has an extended length.

In your case (if it's you in the video) you have sophisticated whippy strokes. It may be an advantage for you to have an extended length and slow down your swings.

I also recommend an extended length for muscle bound players to slow down their swings.


I've had that. Maybe too plush. But felt good. Anyone actually really hit with it? I think it was unpopular because of that drab color and string pattern obviously less popular but the flex was super low. Not as low feeling as it might imply but very low.

That one might have taken it a little too far for my taste but plush? definitely.
You are wrong that the 97HD is unpopular. It is one of TW's top selling racquets and has one of TW's highest review scores. There are a lot of 97HD owners on TTW as it has a cult following due to its plushness, flex, stability and control.
Its 18x20 pattern is more open than traditional 18x20 patterns and generates good spin.
Many of us like the green and gold dragon skin color way.
There are various threads that discuss the 97HD and I currently have a thread going about the 97HD vs the new 97D. It is early but so far the poll shows that slightly more 97HD owners that have played with both are staying with the 97HD. I am keeping both in my bag because they are both great sticks for my game.
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You are wrong that the 97HD is unpopular. It is one of TW's top selling racquets and has one of TW's highest review scores. There are a lot of 97HD owners on TTW as it has a cult following due to its plushness, flex, stability and control.
Its 18x20 pattern is more open than traditional 18x20 patterns and generates good spin.
Many of us like the green and gold dragon skin color way.
There are various threads that discuss the 97HD and I currently have a thread going about the 97HD vs the new 97D. It is early but so far the poll shows that slightly more 97HD owners that have played with both are staying with the 97HD. I am keeping both in my bag because they are both great sticks for my game.
Just said I think it was. I literally never see it anywhere I'm very surprised to hear it's a top selling racket. I can understand the cult following because it's a really rare build but where can I see that it's one of the best selling rackets on TW? You'd think after the years it has been out, I'd have run into one out there but I just don't.


Hi. How are you? A Jr. Racket is too light. You won't get any power. Just go out on a field and hit 7 balls with the long racquet as far as you can Kyrgios style when he is getting a ball abuse warning. Mark the spot with some sticks or something. Take the balls back and do the same with the short racquet. You will see the short racquet hits the balls further. Try it a few times alternating which racquet goes first to eliminate that it is an arm fatigue problem. You will see the results.

The other way around is imagine you have a racquet that is 4 metres long. How fast do you think you could swing this racquet?

Also, I can post a video of a guy who has Rafas actual racquet from a grand slam major and it is shorter than 27" Same with Djokovic although people now tell me he has an extended length.

In your case (if it's you in the video) you have sophisticated whippy strokes. It may be an advantage for you to have an extended length and slow down your swings.

I also recommend an extended length for muscle bound players to slow down their swings.
Thank you

But at what point is a shorter racket no longer hitting harder? Because the way you say it makes it sound like shorter is always stronger or longer is always weaker.

I just don't think it works that way but yeah you can get a racket so long that you can't swing it any more but you can do the same with one that short as well that it's basically not even an extension of your hand.

I think if you're losing racket headspeed due to the length, weight or balance, then for you specifically, maybe there will be less power on your balls but there's no way this is just true for everybody or in general.


Just said I think it was. I literally never see it anywhere I'm very surprised to hear it's a top selling racket. I can understand the cult following because it's a really rare build but where can I see that it's one of the best selling rackets on TW? You'd think after the years it has been out, I'd have run into one out there but I just don't.
Scroll down to the Yonex section of this link:

Why you haven't encountered one may just be due to your area. For example, the Prestige Graphene 360+ MP is popular on TTW but I haven't encountered one in my area.
Looks like you just joined TTW a few months ago so you probably didn't see the various threads about the 97HD which were more prominent in 2019-early 2021. Here is one of them if you want to check it out.
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Thank you

But at what point is a shorter racket no longer hitting harder? Because the way you say it makes it sound like shorter is always stronger or longer is always weaker.

I just don't think it works that way but yeah you can get a racket so long that you can't swing it any more but you can do the same with one that short as well that it's basically not even an extension of your hand.

I think if you're losing racket headspeed due to the length, weight or balance, then for you specifically, maybe there will be less power on your balls but there's no way this is just true for everybody or in general.
Hi. How are you? Yes you can't have it too short or you will suffer with reach on the serve and you may not have room to place 2 hands in the case of a double hander.

In your case an extended length racquet seems to work for you. So do that . All of us on this forum can discuss theories until the sun comes up but if something works on court then that's all that matters at the end of the day.

Another thing to consider is you hit forehands for example with a bent arm so already your swing path is going to be quite a bit shorter than someone who hits with a straight arm. Again this would lend weight to an extended length being beneficial to you.


I've had that. Maybe too plush. But felt good. Anyone actually really hit with it? I think it was unpopular because of that drab color and string pattern obviously less popular but the flex was super low. Not as low feeling as it might imply but very low.

That one might have taken it a little too far for my taste but plush? definitely.
I've spent the last 4 months really hitting with it. I really like it. Took me a few sessions to really adapt to 18x20, but once I did, it was fantastic. Directional control incredible. Amazing feel and comfort with gut mains poly crosses. There's nothing else like the sensation of swinging in quite a relaxed way, and the ball absolutely flying through the court, landing in, and then continuing to fly after the bounce, rather than kicking up in to a comfortable hitting position for the opponent.


I've spent the last 4 months really hitting with it. I really like it. Took me a few sessions to really adapt to 18x20, but once I did, it was fantastic. Directional control incredible. Amazing feel and comfort with gut mains poly crosses. There's nothing else like the sensation of swinging in quite a relaxed way, and the ball absolutely flying through the court, landing in, and then continuing to fly after the bounce, rather than kicking up in to a comfortable hitting position for the opponent.
I get that. I liked it a lot but didn't love it. My last 18x20 was the gravity pro. That being said I might prefer this to the vcore 98 I'm hitting with sometimes. That racket still just disappoinments me. Might try that 95 soon. I'm also going to get an Angell racket just for kicks.

I had a Dahcor on the way but that's been somewhat of a disaster so far and I'm thinking about backing out of the whole order now.

I'm kinda in the rabbit hole of rackets but I suppose it's part of the fun of playing for me now. That being said, I wish I had my go to


I get that. I liked it a lot but didn't love it. My last 18x20 was the gravity pro. That being said I might prefer this to the vcore 98 I'm hitting with sometimes. That racket still just disappoinments me. Might try that 95 soon. I'm also going to get an Angell racket just for kicks.

I had a Dahcor on the way but that's been somewhat of a disaster so far and I'm thinking about backing out of the whole order now.

I'm kinda in the rabbit hole of rackets but I suppose it's part of the fun of playing for me now. That being said, I wish I had my go to
Rabbit hole is dangerous. You really get used to a frame and play incredibly with it, then you try something else that swings differently and initially mess up your game, then get used to it, then struggle to go back to the previous frame. I'm currently trying to decide between VCore HD/D 18x20 vs Prestige Mid 93 16x19.


Hall of Fame
Great review mate. A direct comparison with VCore 95 2021 as the ultimate best latest yonex would be amazing too. Keep up the good work :cool:

I have both the 21 VC95 and 21 VCP 310. VC95 is more maneuverable, faster through the air, lower launch angle and more control for fast swings. It defintely feels a bit less stable and under powered compared to the VCP. It's a better stick if you can put in the effort and generate a lot of RHS on your own, it rewards full cuts at the ball.

VCP97 is more stable, a little bit more free power on both groundies and serves, swings a bit heavier/slower but still fast compared to a Blade V8/Radical Pro etc. Launch angle on the VCP is higher, easier to hit slice serves/top spin but a little more erratic on full hard groundstrokes. It also doesn't give the option to flick shots or save a rally with a last second squash shot or stab at the ball since it's not as maneuverable.

The balance point on both frames is exactly the same using the same overgrip, strings and dampener but I suspect the VC95 has a lower SW. The VC95 is 332g the VCP is 334g (it's 3 grams over spec at 313g unstrung).
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Hall of Fame
I have both the 21 VC95 and 21 VCP 310. VC95 is more maneuverable, faster through the air, lower launch angle and more control for fast swings. It defintely feels a bit less stable and under powered compared to the VCP. It's a better stick if you can put in the effort and generate a lot of RHS on your own, it rewards full cuts at the ball.

VCP97 is more stable, a little bit more free power on both groundies and serves, swings a bit heavier/slower but still fast compared to a Blade V8/Radical Pro etc. Launch angle on the VCP is higher, easier to hit slice serves/top spin but a little more erratic on full hard groundstrokes. It also doesn't give the option to flick shots or save a rally with a last second squash shot or stab at the ball since it's not as maneuverable.

The balance point on both frames is exactly the same using the same overgrip, strings and dampener but I suspect the VC95 has a lower SW. The VC95 is 332g the VCP is 334g (it's 3 grams over spec at 313g unstrung).
So which one you prefer and which has better feel/connection ?


Hall of Fame
So which one you prefer and which has better feel/connection ?

I've played the VC95 as my main stick since last Dec and it's beat out a ton of contenders (VCP HD, VCP 310 green, G360 Rad Pro, Speed Pro, Prestige MP, Extreme Tour). I won't switch to the new VCP 310 but I like it and will keep it around to hit for fun.

The VC95 is a little bit stiffer (not in a bad way) but I feel like I also know where the ball is going off the string bed more than the VCP.


I've played the VC95 as my main stick since last Dec and it's beat out a ton of contenders (VCP HD, VCP 310 green, G360 Rad Pro, Speed Pro, Prestige MP, Extreme Tour). I won't switch to the new VCP 310 but I like it and will keep it around to hit for fun.

The VC95 is a little bit stiffer (not in a bad way) but I feel like I also know where the ball is going off the string bed more than the VCP.
Interesting. I might have to try this one, I've been talking about it. I feel like the 98 just doesn't go through a ball so we'll. Feels dead or floppy or weak but the vcp 310 feels solid and smooth.

Hopefully the 95 isn't like the 98 at all in this way but I'm worried it is because it's the same family of rackets.


Hall of Fame
Interesting. I might have to try this one, I've been talking about it. I feel like the 98 just doesn't go through a ball so we'll. Feels dead or floppy or weak but the vcp 310 feels solid and smooth.

Hopefully the 95 isn't like the 98 at all in this way but I'm worried it is because it's the same family of rackets.

The 95 won't give you more free pop than the 98 so if you thought that was weak then you probably won't like the 95.


I have both the 21 VC95 and 21 VCP 310. VC95 is more maneuverable, faster through the air, lower launch angle and more control for fast swings. It defintely feels a bit less stable and under powered compared to the VCP. It's a better stick if you can put in the effort and generate a lot of RHS on your own, it rewards full cuts at the ball.

I own both frames and my experience is exactly as @CosmosMpower describes. I switched to 310 as it's more forgiving and lets me play more consistent tennis. 310 also provides me with more comfort and arm safety, which are very important as I get older (I'm 48)


My 2 cents.... If you like the new 97 (310) but want a little more pop, you should try out the new 97D with thin gauge strings as it should have a bit more power/plow through due to a little more swing weight/stability and it will also flatten out your ground strokes a bit with the 18x20 string pattern (in your video you seem to hit high trajectory topspin ground strokes especially on your forehands). It should also give you the same plush feeling you find in the 97 (310).
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My 2 cents.... If you like the new 97 (310) but want a little more pop, you should try out the new 97D with thin gauge strings as it should have a bit more power/plow through due to a little more swing weight/stability and it will also flatten out your ground strokes a bit with the 18x20 string pattern (in your video you seem to hit high trajectory topspin ground strokes especially on your forehands). It should also give you the same plush feeling you find in the 97 (310).
But why would I want to flatten my shots or use thinner gauge strings? I hit that way because it's my preferred playstyle most shots, I love shaping the shot.

Those both sound like things I don't want. I like 16g for the durability and spin as well as the lowe controller power in a 16x19.

The pop feels just right on the 97 I have right now but to go lower would be too far.


The 95 won't give you more free pop than the 98 so if you thought that was weak then you probably won't like the 95.
It wasn't so much a power thing as it just felt like the racket kinda choked or froze on contact a bit more than others. The feel is ok but not great.


But why would I want to flatten my shots or use thinner gauge strings? I hit that way because it's my preferred playstyle most shots, I love shaping the shot.

Those both sound like things I don't want. I like 16g for the durability and spin as well as the lowe controller power in a 16x19.

The pop feels just right on the 97 I have right now but to go lower would be too far.
I wasn't sure if you were intending to have that trajectory or not. If you were then disregard. I was under the impression you wanted a bit more power.


I wasn't sure if you were intending to have that trajectory or not. If you were then disregard. I was under the impression you wanted a bit more power.
Hmm the power feels good. It's not free but it's there for you if you can access it. The ezone often gives me more when I wanted less but I know you can adjust enough with time but that racket is just a bit much in that way especially with how little feel it offers.

I'm grateful this vcore gives me that plush feel and still great spin.


I'm grateful this vcore gives me that plush feel and still great spin.
Glad to hear you like the combo. Also cool to see (from your signature and video) that you also use both a 1H and 2HBH (y). Variety is the spice of life and the unpredictability keeps your opponents guessing :sneaky:


Glad to hear you like the combo. Also cool to see (from your signature and video) that you also use both a 1H and 2HBH (y). Variety is the spice of life and the unpredictability keeps your opponents guessing :sneaky:
That it does! Everyone thinks you need one or the other but nobody thinks you can maybe get decent at using both at the appropriate times, whatever that means for you.

But regardless, it's fun and keeps me in it on both sides. It's a funny life and might not be this way for ever but it is now.


Hall of Fame
@Pumpkin longer racquet = higher swingweight, which in turn allows for more free power if swing speed stays the same but requires more strength to swing racquet at same speed of shorter racquet. #facts


I remain skeptical.
Frustrating you don't accept this. A bigger wheel moves a car faster at the same RPM for the same reason. It's such a basic concept. It takes more force to get up to speed but it is indeed faster.

If I were to whack you with a stick that was 1ft long vs 2 ft long at my maximum strength, which would you prefer? I guess this would depend on pain preference but if you'd prefer less pain, you'd pick the shorter stick if the two are identical otherwise.

And if you're returning my serve, you'll surely prefer me to serve with the shorter racket.


I get that. I liked it a lot but didn't love it. My last 18x20 was the gravity pro. That being said I might prefer this to the vcore 98 I'm hitting with sometimes. That racket still just disappoinments me. Might try that 95 soon. I'm also going to get an Angell racket just for kicks.

I had a Dahcor on the way but that's been somewhat of a disaster so far and I'm thinking about backing out of the whole order now.

I'm kinda in the rabbit hole of rackets but I suppose it's part of the fun of playing for me now. That being said, I wish I had my go to
Have you leaded up the Vcore 98? It made mine very stable and beefy. I hated it in stock too.


It's physics, not a religion. Hold weights close to your chest and then hold the same weight with your arms extended. What feels heavier? Same concept but noew add that you have to swing it :)
Yes. That's true. But I'm not convinced you get more power with the longer racquet. Maybe if you can swing it the same speed but I don't think you can swing it the same speed.


Yes. That's true. But I'm not convinced you get more power with the longer racquet. Maybe if you can swing it the same speed but I don't think you can swing it the same speed.
I think you can swing it the same speed since it's not a massive Swingweight difference, the problem is if you can swing it that same speed after the first set...that is where I agree with you.


Frustrating you don't accept this. A bigger wheel moves a car faster at the same RPM for the same reason. It's such a basic concept. It takes more force to get up to speed but it is indeed faster.

If I were to whack you with a stick that was 1ft long vs 2 ft long at my maximum strength, which would you prefer? I guess this would depend on pain preference but if you'd prefer less pain, you'd pick the shorter stick if the two are identical otherwise.

And if you're returning my serve, you'll surely prefer me to serve with the shorter racket.
Ok but you won't get the same RHS with the longer racquet. It's more cumbersome. Otherwise everyone would use a 29" racquet.

Look at a figure ice skater. She can spin unbelievably fast with her arms tucked in. To slow down she extends her arms and leg.


I think you can swing it the same speed since it's not a massive Swingweight difference, the problem is if you can swing it that same speed after the first set...that is where I agree with you.
Hello. Remember I did an experiment where I shortened a racquet 1/2" and hit balls as far as possible on a football field. I did this to see how much more power the longer racquet has only to be shocked to see the shorter racquet hit the balls significantly further.

Since the shorter racquet has lower SW you could add weight to the hoop and have even more power.

There's a video of a guy who has one of Rafa's actual racquets from a GS and he measured it and it is 1/4" shorter than standard length.


Ok but you won't get the same RHS with the longer racquet. It's more cumbersome. Otherwise everyone would use a 29" racquet.

Look at a figure ice skater. She can spin unbelievably fast with her arms tucked in. To slow down she extends her arms and leg.
I think you're missing the idea that since the tip is further away, it moves faster. It might be harder to get up to speed but if you can, then it will be faster. And if your arm is moving slightly slower, well, again, the tip is moving faster because it's far away. Why you assume these factors always equate to it meaning slower overall is silly to me. I plan to extend my racket and have it also be lighter. A ton of pros use XL rackets but none endorse it. Nishikori, Djokovic, Ferrer, Nalbandia, Schwartzman, Davydenko, Isner, I could go on.

Why doesn't everyone use a 25 inch racket then or a 24 inch racket? Why is it 27?


Hello. Remember I did an experiment where I shortened a racquet 1/2" and hit balls as far as possible on a football field. I did this to see how much more power the longer racquet has only to be shocked to see the shorter racquet hit the balls significantly further.

Since the shorter racquet has lower SW you could add weight to the hoop and have even more power.

There's a video of a guy who has one of Rafa's actual racquets from a GS and he measured it and it is 1/4" shorter than standard length.
I see what you're saying but this isn't going to be the case for everyone. How much shorter do you think you could make the racket until your balls started falling shorter than the first racket you shortened? In other words, how many times could you cut half an inch off and have that same kind of result each time? Certainly not all the way down to 0. So for you to assume that shorter is always more powerful is wrong. And for you to assume someone hitting with a shorter frame than they are accustomed to will mean they can hit harder, is also wrong. In theory, a racket with the same SW and balance that is longer should hit harder, right? Even if you did that experiement, the results would only be relevant to you specifically.

I think the physics of what you are implying have truth to them but it's kinda like this, just because one ball is 1lb and another is 5lb, it doesn't mean the heavier ball will be thrown harder. It depends on how strong you are. If you're super strong and can overcome the difficulty of the extra weight, then it will reward you more. But if you can't, it will only slow you down. So if you are strong and your technique is really clean, you can certainly benefit from a longer racket. But most, can't. Most people just aren't very good at tennis.

I think longer rackets are for those who are pretty bad or old or for those who are more advanced. You're old and want the reach, hit so slow it doesn't matter anyway. Or you are really fit and have great technique, you can afford to wield the extra length because your strength and technique more than make up for the extra difficulty of swinging it. Your arm can only move so fast anyway. If you can still reach the maximum speed your body is capable of in time to hit the ball, then the racket isn't really slowing you down. But if a racket's weight or something takes away from your maximum, then it might be holding you back in some way.

Plus, power isn't everything. Things like reach matter a lot.

I don't think I have much more to say about this but feel free to reply, curious what your thoughts are.