And, here is a layman's way of thinking this out <I know, since when have I tried to help Fedace with his logic??>
Applying the Law of Fedace <
vs. Physics> ...
Fedace, adds an ounce to the handle and he claims that he reduces the swingweight. <
Is that right, Fedster??> So, using the same logic, if you add two ounces, that reduces the sw even more?? What if you add a full pound of weight? OK, then an extreme ... what about 25 lbs. added to the handle? <
Fedace quote "Man, this thing is just getting easier and easier to swing."> All right, now you added 250 lbs. to your handle. <
Fedace conclusion, "Oh yeah, this thing just became featherlight to swing.">
Come on Fedace.