VERY Confused, Swingweight for Dunlop Aerogel 100 vs 200 ?


what are you talking about,,,i practically pioneered the connection between string theory and 11th dimentional physics....

Fedace must have a vast intellect and know a great deal about physics, as indicated by his misspelling of the word "dimensional."

I think he's "very confused" about everything.


This is a very typical ploy of some TW posters who post stuff that anyone knowledgable on the subject knows is wrong....they are tenacious and outpost the person who is right, so therefore consider themselves the victor and often bring some gullibles along for the ride. typically they have nothing of substance to contribute so they resort to creepy personal affronts

and ya wonder why some off the real great posters leave the board???


and ya wonder why some off the real great posters leave the board???

fo sure Steve. But I think fedace is just having fun tweaking forum members who seem to fall for it. Havent read much of his stuff, and wasnt directing my comments at him

hope you've a nice indoor facility up there to play T. best of the holiday season,

Il Mostro

And, here is a layman's way of thinking this out <I know, since when have I tried to help Fedace with his logic??>

Applying the Law of Fedace <vs. Physics> ...
Fedace, adds an ounce to the handle and he claims that he reduces the swingweight. <Is that right, Fedster??> So, using the same logic, if you add two ounces, that reduces the sw even more?? What if you add a full pound of weight? OK, then an extreme ... what about 25 lbs. added to the handle? <Fedace quote "Man, this thing is just getting easier and easier to swing."> All right, now you added 250 lbs. to your handle. < Fedace conclusion, "Oh yeah, this thing just became featherlight to swing.">

Come on Fedace.:oops:

"The Law of Fedace"...ROTFLMAO. Bulls eye!

Il Mostro

This is a very typical ploy of some TW posters who post stuff that anyone knowledgable on the subject knows is wrong....they are tenacious and outpost the person who is right, so therefore consider themselves the victor and often bring some gullibles along for the ride. typically they have nothing of substance to contribute so they resort to creepy personal affronts

Fungi, venereal disease and dementia are also quite tenacious ;-)


Okay, lets put a stop to this adding weight reduces swingweight hooey. . .

The swingweight of an object (e.g. a tennis racquet) is defined as the sum of the product of all its mass elements--mass at each individual point along an axis of the object--and the distance of each mass element from the axis of rotation squared.

Σ(mi×(xi)^2) for i >0; where mi = mass at xi, and xi = the distance from the axis of rotation (the axis of rotation is assumed to be 10cm from the butt end of the racquet for tennis).

So, if we add 10 grams of weight at the very bottom of the racquet, at position m1 (i.e. on the bottom of the buttcap) we end up with the following formula for the swingweight of the racquet.

Σ(mi+1×(xi+1)^2) + ((m1+.010)×(x1)^2). This equals
Σ(mi+1×(xi+1)^2) + (m1)×(x1)^2 + .010(x1)^2. Which in turn equals
(m1)×(x1)^2 + Σ(mi+1×(xi+1)^2) + .010(x1)^2. Which equals
Σ(mi×(xi)^2) + .010(x1)^2.
.010(x1)^2 can never be less than zero because the square of any number (other than zero) is positive, and the square of zero is zero.
Therefore, Σ(mi×(xi)^2) + .010(x1)^2 is greater than or equal to Σ(mi×(xi)^2).
Further, since we assumed x1 to be the position at the bottom of the buttcap, it is -10 cm from the axis of rotation.
Thus, .010(x1)^2 = .010(-10)^2 = 1kg*cm^2. So, adding 10 grams on the buttcap of a racquet adds 1 swingweight point. (Note: before editing, I dropped a decimal place 10 grams = .010 kilograms, not .1 kilograms. I fixed the error.)

This can be repeated for any value of i, but I used i=1 because Fedace claims that adding weight at the butt of the racquet yields a reduction in swingweight.

Whoa! Too smart for me :-?