Video of me playing (Critique Please)


Hall of Fame
Strokes look sound.
You just need to move up on some short balls a little earlier so you don't bend over as much.


Hey guys, this is a video of me hitting some forehands and backhands. Could you critique me and tell me what level i am please.

Ok pretty much a good looking smooth swings especially on the backhand. I would almost say your backhand looks better than your forehand. On this video at least, your forehand doesn't seem as clean as your backhand, and seem like it is more error prone. Not sure if this is actually the case in real match situation. On the forehand, you could add little more topspin and make sure your weight is going forward to get penetration on your shots. by doing this you will cut down on the errors on the forehand and make it more consistant and penetrating. It takes some practice though cause at first, it will feel like your forhand isn't as penetrating. but with time, you will develop a consistantly powerful and heavy forehand.
Good solid strokes, nothing extraordinary though, don't take it the wrong way, it just looks solid...
Make sure your not hitting off your back foot. Good forehands, backhand isn't that bad, looks dependable on the video...


Actually I thought your strokes were solid and comfortable, thats what makes you look so good.

Hewitt Aussie

What is that noise in the background?

Thats Skateboarders on ramps.
Looks like all you hit is forehands. Your forehand is waaay above the level of your backhand.
That's funny, because my backhand was actually good that day, it would have been better from a backview for my backhand.

That's some nice looking forest behind you. Is that Woodlands, Texas?

Yep, its the Woodlands, Texas.

I got some more videos today from a backview. It shows all the court. I didn't play that good today, not very good at all. it didn't help that my dad was hitting lobs and giving me ****, lol. But i'll post it later on tonight.

Hewitt Aussie

i might not get the videos up as YouTube is unexpectedly taking hours and hours to load videos for me. I'll wait until tomorrow.


Definitely need to bend more, at least on your forehand. You seem to net alot of those, or hit out, I dunno. You're missing them alot. Those low balls you just gotta bend a little more, then lift.


Hall of Fame
liked the strokes! looked uncomfortable in front of the camera (or maybe that is just how you always are). it looks like you could be a little more intense with the footwork (but i know what it is like just hitting the ball around, so i don't blame you). overall i liked it. how old are you and how long have you been playing?

KBlade Pro

New User
I think you need to move sooner, and get to the ball quicker. Definitely need to work on your foot work. On your backhand, you might keep your weight back a little longer on your back leg. You should be driving the ball with your legs as you swing through. I noticed on one occassion where you hit the shot off of your front leg. This will cause you to loose balance, consistency, and power. You have a nice forehand stroke, but it's not consistent. This may have something to do with your footwork. Also you don't seem to be striking the ball cleanly. Perhaps keep your eye on the ball a bit more and focus on how it feels when you strike the ball. Go hit a ton of balls.... it's all about repetition.

KBlade Pro

New User
I guess another thing that sticks out is you seem pretty lackadasical out there. Think about what you would do if you were trying to make EVERY shot a good shot.


Hall of Fame
play a match instead so you can be serious.
bend your kness and use more body.
i dont see you spilt stepping which shows me why you couldnt reach some balls
I completely agree with KBlade's comments. Your footwork is your biggest problem, so you may want to drills specifically for that. I noticed on a few occasions that you would hit your shot, and then basically "camp out" on one side of the court. You need to get back to the center mark sooner.

Footwork is often overlooked by most amateur players. If their feet were more active (shuffling from side-to-side better, taking small adjustment steps, etc), their games would improve by a 1/2 level. The next time you watch a pro match, notice how active their feet are, and try to incorporate that in your game.


I completely agree with KBlade's comments. Your footwork is your biggest problem, so you may want to drills specifically for that. I noticed on a few occasions that you would hit your shot, and then basically "camp out" on one side of the court. You need to get back to the center mark sooner.

Footwork is often overlooked by most amateur players. If their feet were more active (shuffling from side-to-side better, taking small adjustment steps, etc), their games would improve by a 1/2 level. The next time you watch a pro match, notice how active their feet are, and try to incorporate that in your game.

Great post...this is exactly what I was thinking.

HG: I thought your FH and BH are fundamentaly sound. If you are prepared and ready to hit, you hit nicely, but when you have deviation (low shots, etc.) then it gets a little harder for you. This when your footwork comes into play. Drills are a great way to get better footwork. When I say drills, I mean non-playing drills, no racquet. There are quite a few drill books/videos you can get. You are young and in order to step up your game your footwork is the most imprtant aspect to your game..just ask Federer.

I will give you lots of credit. You are not being defensive and you are open to suggestions. That makes you coachable..

I also suggest a wall. Are there any walls to hit around on? They shorten your reaction time..I mean really shorten. Great way to hone your reaction skills and gto get better preparation/footwork. You have a nice fluid stroke, good luck!:)
Your forehand seems really fluid, the backhand isn't too bad either. What's your NTRP, high 3.5?

Anyone notice the Federer influence on his forehand's follow-through? I see a lot of people nowadays with the wrapping follow-through, it seems to work pretty well. I use it as well ^^


Your forehand seems really fluid, the backhand isn't too bad either. What's your NTRP, high 3.5?

Anyone notice the Federer influence on his forehand's follow-through? I see a lot of people nowadays with the wrapping follow-through, it seems to work pretty well. I use it as well ^^

nah..4.0 easy. depending on serve and returns.


I watch juniors practicing and playing a lot. After about 5 minutes they are usually hitting all out with max intensity-they can't hold back for very long.

In most of these videos I see a relaxed attitude with an emphasis on technique. Maybe its just the presence of the camera that robs the players of their intensity. But I really don't see how one can find weaknesses in stroke mechanics and footwork without duplicating match speed and intensity.

I'd like to see a video where both players break a sweat, get lathered up, go hard at each other. In other words, players actually playing tennis.
Hey Hewitt, is your district tournament this upcoming tuesday? Ours is. Lucky for me Woodlands HS isn't in our district. You guys would pound us. I think it would be a fun match between you and I. You would probably beat me with your consistency (from what it looks like). It would be close, but not that close.
Well actually.. I just re-watched the video, and it looks like you have trouble with balls that aren't coming straight at you... haha. I would probably keep you running ragged. (Probably with little success though)
Well, the cramp didn't really matter. You probably would have beat me even if I did not have a cramp to be honest. I cramped at like 5-6 so no big deal. Good match though!

Hewitt Aussie

Hey, yeah my district tournament is this tuesday. Also, i will try and work on some things and post a video next month. I need to get more consistent with my strokes and get them deep. Anyway, i realise how lazy i am, and i really need to work on my footwork. My rakcet is the Dunlop Aerogel 300 with Wilson Enduro Pro Mains and Wilson Sensation crosses. GWB, is your team playing your lower varsity for J.V disctricts, because my coach said that all the teams are going to be playing their lower varsity. I think only 8 of the varsity players are allowed to play. Also, what Kirchbaum string are you going to get?