Video of me playing (Critique Please)


Ok pretty much a good looking smooth swings especially on the backhand. I would almost say your backhand looks better than your forehand. On this video at least, your forehand doesn't seem as clean as your backhand, and seem like it is more error prone. Not sure if this is actually the case in real match situation. On the forehand, you could add little more topspin and make sure your weight is going forward to get penetration on your shots. by doing this you will cut down on the errors on the forehand and make it more consistant and penetrating. It takes some practice though cause at first, it will feel like your forhand isn't as penetrating. but with time, you will develop a consistantly powerful and heavy forehand.

No way. His backhand is what I'd say he needs to work on. His forehand seems smooth and has good follow through. I don't see anything glaringly wrong. Keep practicing! Just keep your head down and bend your knees more on the backhand.
Hey, yeah my district tournament is this tuesday. Also, i will try and work on some things and post a video next month. I need to get more consistent with my strokes and get them deep. Anyway, i realise how lazy i am, and i really need to work on my footwork. My rakcet is the Dunlop Aerogel 300 with Wilson Enduro Pro Mains and Wilson Sensation crosses. GWB, is your team playing your lower varsity for J.V disctricts, because my coach said that all the teams are going to be playing their lower varsity. I think only 8 of the varsity players are allowed to play. Also, what Kirchbaum string are you going to get?

Yes. I am lower varsity and playing on JV District.
Not sure about which Kirschbaums yet, I need to get some information on each of them first.


* Footwork need some work. Seem dead and lazy. As a result, you lost your balance on the run. You opponent can force an error out of you simply just make you run.
* Backhand is great and solid. Forehand has too much rotation and not much weight transfer.
* Your stroke zone seems hight (over the shoulder).


Hall of Fame
For practice, you really need to work on keeping your feet moving, shuffling, and bending your knees. It will make you such a better player. also, in practice, you should really work on getting better top spin and continuing long rallies.

Regarding technique, you are way to static at the line. On several shots hit long/short, you are camping at the baseline, weighting to take the ball at an ackward height.

Your preparation looks late in that you do not begin your rotation until the ball is near. You need to be ready and moving before the ball crosses the net.

Re: your volleys, I really hope you lose that two handed backhand volley. Oveall, the forehand volley looks okay, but you could use less swing and more step.

Bungalo Bill

Hey guys, this is a video of me hitting some forehands and backhands. Could you critique me and tell me what level i am please.

I didn't critique your strokes but just glancing at the film, I would put you in the 4.0 category to start. You could prove to be higher but that will be proved out. I didnt see your serve or anything else. Your footwork is okay but a bit lazy. Your overall approach was bit too relaxed for me.

I liked you though. Thought you did well. Good job.

Side note to all: If you are going to post your videos for critiquing and ratings, put your best foot forward. Quit using excuses about the sun, your jock itch, or anything else that is bogus. Don't put up video after hours of play and expect a good rating. Warm-up properly and provide video information with you doing your best to show your stuff. Show a variety of shots, like 10 backhands, 10 forehands, 10 serves, etc... and do them in sequence! Rally with someone equal or better then you as well. I am getting a bit tired of looking at stuff that isn't your best. If the critique isn't what you expected and is worse, take it like a man (or woman) and deal with it. Don't start crying and getting all upset about it.


I didn't critique your strokes but just glancing at the film, I would put you in the 4.0 category to start. You could prove to be higher but that will be proved out. I didnt see your serve or anything else. Your footwork is okay but a bit lazy. Your overall approach was bit too relaxed for me.

I liked you though. Thought you did well. Good job.

Side note to all: If you are going to post your videos for critiquing and ratings, put your best foot forward. Quit using excuses about the sun, your jock itch, or anything else that is bogus. Don't put up video after hours of play and expect a good rating. Warm-up properly and provide video information with you doing your best to show your stuff. Show a variety of shots, like 10 backhands, 10 forehands, 10 serves, etc... and do them in sequence! Rally with someone equal or better then you as well. I am getting a bit tired of looking at stuff that isn't your best. If the critique isn't what you expected and is worse, take it like a man (or woman) and deal with it. Don't start crying and getting all upset about it.

hehe...maybe BB should put this "disclaimer"/"warning" up before everyone of his posts! lol It's a good point!


Bungalo Bill

hehe...maybe BB should put this "disclaimer"/"warning" up before everyone of his posts! lol It's a good point!


Good idea but I still think some will not get it. However, I will take you up on the offer. Maybe that will calm some people down when they get rammed with criticism they are not used to. :) lol


Talk Tennis Guru
Well, I just skipped to the end here- without reading the other pages (so I may repeat) , but in general, I would say the performance was lethargic, lacking energy, focus, and consistancy.

Out of the whole video There was one or two fairly decent srtokes, but they almost seemed like accidents.

So, What you should do, depends on what your asperations are.

If you really want to get serious about tennis, then you need to start practicing more efficiently/seriously- not just going out there and "batting the ball".

Tennis is a game of repetitive movements. Try to hit each ball, as much as possible with the same motion, with the same contact point, the same timing, the same forward momentum. Almost every shot you hit was different the the next.

So, you have lots of work to do. If you really are serious, I would advise a good instructor who can take what you have and whip it into shape.


i skimmed throught the posts so i hope im not repeating but try this: when u set up for a forehand, your back leg, move it back just a bit, widen ur stance just a bit.