I personally own 3 racquets from your list: C10 pro, T10VEmp and BB10 (std lenght).
There is my opinion:
Power: BB10, T10VEmp, c10pro (BB10 swings really fast, easy power. The T10VEmp is in the middle and with the c10 you won`t found "free" power)
Spin: BB10, C10pro, T10VEmp. (BB10 is some kind of "spin monster", i found my best kickserves and topspin forehands with this one. The T10VE is just "ok" in the spin department, the c10 pro generates an exelent amount of spin, but only if you swing it very fast)
Maneuverability: T10VEmp, BB10, c10pro (no joking, i feel T10 more maneuvrable than the BB10, because the BB10 plays with an almost a neutral balance)
Stability: T10VEmp, C10pro, BB10 (IMO, the T10VE, being a little stiffer than the c10, offers exelent stability. Anyway, all this 3 frames are stable enough, including the BB10, that has less mass than the other 2)
Feel: C10pro, T10VEmp, BB10 (the c10pro feel is great, very soft, but solid as well. Personally, i like the T10VE feel, but is a little stiffer. The BB10 is in other category, you will not notice very well the ball at contact with the strings, anyway, some people enjoy this kind of racquet, just not my cup of tea...)
Sorry about my english, every day is worst