Volkl Crazy


OK I've gone a little nuts over the Volkl feel /playability and I also dig the look of the racquets.

My main stick in the Tour 10 Gen II and I'm looking for a slightly different Volkl experience as my backup. After using the search feature I'm more confused than anything.
Does the 10 V-Engine MP offer that much of change?
The 10 VE Mid have enough forgiveness and power? (Not sure about the 18x20 pattern)
Is the Dnx Mid too cumbersome with its big swing weight?

Help I'm a marginal 5.0 all-courter who sometimes has elbow issues.


Hall of Fame
I've used Volkls in the past and I had arm problems which Volkls definitely helped with. I think the T10G2 and T10VE MP are quite similar except for the V-Engine supplying a tad bit more pop and swung a little lighter than the T10G2. I used the T10VE mid for a while and I loved it at the net; it felt like a scalpel and it served very well for me. I didn't really have problems hitting with enough spin and I know I could have gotten a bit more pop had I strung looser. I also tried the DNX10 mid and it definitely played with a heft that was pleasant. It swung a little heavier than the T10VE mid but the groundies were a bit heavier. All I could say is that they all have slight nuances and it'd definitely be worth a demo to try them out. If you find the Tour 10 Gen I (mid or MP) they're worth a go as well but they are hard to come by.


I wouldn't rate the VE MP and the Gen2 as similar racquets. There is a very big jump in power with the VEMP and a drop in consistency due, I believe, to the longer mains. The VEMP is a more offensive racquet and is probably a better fit for a baseliner (any style can use any racquet but Im trying to generalise). Topspin is good but, oddly, slice isn't so easy to come by, especially on serve. The Gen2 is lower powered, more control, more consistant response, easier to spin but it doesn't offer up a heavy ball. You can get good pace through the air with the Gen2 but the ball doesn't seem to have much penetration and it is harder to really hurt your opponent. A good fit for someone who hits big and doesn't need the racquet to offer anything more than control and comfort.


Hall of Fame
i have owned the recent volkl, such as t9 ve 16x19, dnx-8, 9 , 10 285g and dnx-10 mid.
to me, i find the dnx-10 mid has an excellent feel, power, touch and everything i need....
used to think that the mid is too demanding for me after playing more than 2 hrs of single. however, i took off the leather i installed,putting 17g and 18g strings, takes off the dampeners. now i have my mid weight at the range of 349-356g with different strings set up , original grip with overgrip, instead of previous 359-369g.
i just cannot find the "feel" that can replace my mid.... by trying the lighter weight frames such as APD, m fil 300 just does not have the solid feel of mid....
does not have the chance to try the c10,T 10 ve, t10 gen1 and 2. heard that it is not as powerful as dnx-10mid.....?


New User
Me Too, I also like Volkl

One would have to ask the question what makes Volkl frames so good? I have hit with soooo many frames over a 20 year span. I do love the feel of Volkl frames.I Also love the feel of Fischer frames too. What do these frames have in common? Both of these frames are engineered by Germans who have a relentless quest for perfection.
I am currently hitting with a Volkl DNX 10 MP. I don't know the difference between the MP and MID. However, since I do like smaller head sizes, I'd guess I'd like the mid better. It is obvious to me that whoever designed this DNX 10 frame did so for the glory of a one-handed backhand, which I posess. It is so easy for me to get under the ball, come up into it, strike it hard through a point of contact, then suppinate right over the ball. I guess the weight and balance is perfect for that task. On the forehand side I can strike every ball like a rock. This is one solid frame.
I would recommend you try the DNX frames. I would also recommend the BB11. I have not hit with this frame, but I would like it too. I would imagine this is another rock solid frame from Volkl. It appears to have Boris Becker's craftmanship designed into it. I grew up watching him hit a tennis ball and I greatly enjoyed it.
The 10 Tour V-Engine I have also not hit with. But I know what people think of it. They love it. You won't go wrong with any Volkl player's stick over 12 ounces. Give Fischer a try next if you haven't. Those frames are a kept secret.


Hall of Fame
i have owned the recent volkl, such as t9 ve 16x19, dnx-8, 9 , 10 285g and dnx-10 mid.
to me, i find the dnx-10 mid has an excellent feel, power, touch and everything i need....
used to think that the mid is too demanding for me after playing more than 2 hrs of single. however, i took off the leather i installed,putting 17g and 18g strings, takes off the dampeners. now i have my mid weight at the range of 349-356g with different strings set up , original grip with overgrip, instead of previous 359-369g.
i just cannot find the "feel" that can replace my mid.... by trying the lighter weight frames such as APD, m fil 300 just does not have the solid feel of mid....
does not have the chance to try the c10,T 10 ve, t10 gen1 and 2. heard that it is not as powerful as dnx-10mid.....?

To me the Tour 10 MP is just as hard to swing as the DNX 10 Mid (maybe even more so), and has less power. Even the sweet spot size feels similar to me (the last two mains are actually a bit wider set on the DNX mid than on the Tour MP when you put them on top of each other ... the Tour MP just leaves more space between the last mains and the frame).
The only reason for which one could possibly prefer the Tour 10 to the DNX Mid is the "feel/feedback" when hitting the ball. I like the feel of the DNX mid as well ... so that's not an issue for me.

fuzz nation

I'm inclined toward heavier frames and the C-10 Pro and I have been spending quality time together lately - for me, the T10 GenII was a bit on the light side given its softness. The C-10 is still rather headlight and maneuverable, so I'd say it plays solid without swinging excessively heavy. By contrast, I've demoed the V-Engine mid and the DNX 10 mid with no success. Not that I found them repulsive, but they just had zero personality for me so I suspect that no two Volkls are alike.

I'll offer an "amen" to the Fischer feel, too. Presently hunting an M Speed 98 since I had a niiiiice demo with one a while back. The old Fischer Pro Tour FT, although light for me, also had a rare and fantastic feel when I tried it (yeah, I've been busy). One to watch right now in terms of this issue of great feel is the stuff from Donnay. I just gave a Pro One midplus a home and so far it's got some superb feel - more as the honeymoon progresses.


Hall of Fame
I wouldn't rate the VE MP and the Gen2 as similar racquets. There is a very big jump in power with the VEMP and a drop in consistency due, I believe, to the longer mains. The VEMP is a more offensive racquet and is probably a better fit for a baseliner (any style can use any racquet but Im trying to generalise). Topspin is good but, oddly, slice isn't so easy to come by, especially on serve. The Gen2 is lower powered, more control, more consistant response, easier to spin but it doesn't offer up a heavy ball. You can get good pace through the air with the Gen2 but the ball doesn't seem to have much penetration and it is harder to really hurt your opponent. A good fit for someone who hits big and doesn't need the racquet to offer anything more than control and comfort.

Good points. I guess I overgeneralized because what you said about the T10VE mp and T10G2 was true in my experiences with both of the frames (slices floating a tad, good topspin, somewhat easy to swing...with the T10VE being a little easier to swing) but that the T10VE MP had a tad bit more power (as you said with the longer mains).


OK I've gone a little nuts over the Volkl feel /playability and I also dig the look of the racquets.

My main stick in the Tour 10 Gen II and I'm looking for a slightly different Volkl experience as my backup. After using the search feature I'm more confused than anything.
Does the 10 V-Engine MP offer that much of change?
The 10 VE Mid have enough forgiveness and power? (Not sure about the 18x20 pattern)
Is the Dnx Mid too cumbersome with its big swing weight?

Help I'm a marginal 5.0 all-courter who sometimes has elbow issues.

Hi, If you are an emerging 5.0, I suggest your backup be the same frame as your primary frame. if you like the gen2 just stick with that one..if you need more juice, then score yourself some demos. lots of Volkls give you more work than the Gen2

BTW: What gives the VEngine frames more power is the fact that the V shape stiffens the throat up. Only the 2 center mains are longer that I can see, and most balls dont get hit there anyway

It's unfortunate that new posters like you have to put up with the sort of whacked out stuff exhibited in this thread in an effort to get some decent information. Happens here quite a lot. hopefully it will be deleted, but it's like 'Whack a Mole' they just pop up elsewhere
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Thanks for all the sound advice so far. As I live in Canada, Volkls are impossible to find as they no longer import. So with the newfound dollar strength I can purchase good used models at decent prices as my demos. If I don't like them I can sell for a similar price. So far I've done this with a Diablo MP and Dunlop 200-2006 models.

My back up right now is another Gen2 (in transit from the States), but I'm just looking for another different Volkl. I do agree that the Gen2 is not the heaviest hitter, but definately better than my old Dunlops. I'm probably the most interested in the mids as they seem to have decent sized sweet spots.


Thanks for all the sound advice so far. As I live in Canada, Volkls are impossible to find as they no longer import. So with the newfound dollar strength I can purchase good used models at decent prices as my demos. If I don't like them I can sell for a similar price. So far I've done this with a Diablo MP and Dunlop 200-2006 models.

My back up right now is another Gen2 (in transit from the States), but I'm just looking for another different Volkl. I do agree that the Gen2 is not the heaviest hitter, but definately better than my old Dunlops. I'm probably the most interested in the mids as they seem to have decent sized sweet spots.

If you are looking for the closest Volkl to the Gen2 that would be the T10VEMid from the aspects of power and swingweight. The sweetzone is quite a bit smaller however (it's plenty long, but not nearly as wide).

My favorite of all the Series10 (type) frames is the Volkl/Becker11, but they're all good. I've spent a lot of time with most of them.

Swan Song

If you are looking for the closest Volkl to the Gen2 that would be the T10VEMid from the aspects of power and swingweight. The sweetzone is quite a bit smaller however (it's plenty long, but not nearly as wide).

My favorite of all the Series10 (type) frames is the Volkl/Becker11, but they're all good. I've spent a lot of time with most of them.
Hey Ed, I know you like the BB11 because of the results and ball feel, but do you think the frame would perform well if it had a 16x19 pattern? The reason why I am asking is that you said the Lite frame had a somewhat different mold so I am kind of curious.


Hall of Fame
A racquet I would like to hit with is the c10 pro tour. How does that compare to the other volkl mids for those that have hit with all of them?


Hey Ed, I know you like the BB11 because of the results and ball feel, but do you think the frame would perform well if it had a 16x19 pattern? The reason why I am asking is that you said the Lite frame had a somewhat different mold so I am kind of curious.

the becker11Light is a 16mains frame. it's a little firmer playing.

i dont think the becker11 Standard needs to be changed or added to..i understand they spent many months developing this frame and getting it just right. they really tweaked the use of the dnx material and the drill pattern seems new and different, etc and etc. if you did this exact frame and only changed it to 16x19 pattern, i think you would get a loosey goosey racquet <it would lose the precision> especially since it's got some serious power in the right hands

i think the specs of both these frames are very thoughtful

i think this to be interesting and relevant since we've been talking about the Gen2. Did lessons for a husband/wife visiting here. Both using Gen2's. 4.0-4.5 range. they both hit their gen2's well given their playing level altho sans any sorts of imposing strokes..they wanted to try one of my B11 standards...neither one of them could make it work as well as the gen2.


The B11 Light looks like a great frame for customizing

sorry Scott..I fairly responded to your earlier response and it was wiped because it wasnt positive about the moderation in charge at the moment. this is a police state one moment and run by the inmates the next. unfortunate, and doesnt hardly fit the definition of the word 'moderation'. dont know if you saw my Sure e2c comment in the other thread...that was you recommending aye? i do think the moderation done by almost all of the moderators is quite good
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Volkl T10 VE MP is a great racquet...

I can only speak about the Volkl T10 VE MP bats here and not on the T10 Gen 2 racquets.

Very simply, bludgeon your opponents to death with the Volkl T10 VE MP racquets if you can handle the SW.

Happy hitting with whatever choice you make!


Thanks for all the advice. I have purchased a VE Mid from one our rank and I'm looking forward to finding the right string/tension combo as I head into indoor season. I'm so excited about tennis I don't think I'll play squash this winter.


richie - if you string with multis then i suggest 55 lbs tension. i use the JC method which puts the mains at 53 and crosses at 57. if you string with poly, i suggest SPPP 1.18 at 50 lbs. again the mains at 48 and crosses at 52. i like hybrids so the crosses are usually a syn gut like PSGD 17 or OGSM 17.

i think you will be happy with this one...especially if you string with SPPP 1.18 hybrid.


What are you looking for?

What kind of "slightly different experience" are you looking for?

My main racquet is also the Tour 10 Gen 2. I use two different backups (DNX 10 mid and MFIL 300) depending on my needs. Each racquet has features that match up quite well with only minor variations in swingweight, power and touch. Each are good control racquets that help my game. Although similar, these racquets offer slight differences that I like at different times. I like to match my racquet with conditions ... the condition of my body (which changes if I am physically or mentally tired) and the types of opponents.

Perhaps, if we knew what type of "slightly different experience" you are looking for we could be more helpful.


Hall of Fame
What about the DNX 1 power arm, that should be a bit different hehe!
Seriously though I would like to feel what it is like to hit with it. Seems like a cool frame.


What about the DNX 1 power arm, that should be a bit different hehe!
Seriously though I would like to feel what it is like to hit with it. Seems like a cool frame.

I've hit the Power Arm. It's a very nice hit for that type of racquet and is ideally suited for certain players. I've put several lessons into this frame since it came out. it's very comfortable for its weight and stiffness. Gobs of power which isnt hard to control provided you never hit late...all manner of spin. hit late and balls will fly everywhere...it's light enough so that there really isnt a reason to hit late.


Hall of Fame
What kind of "slightly different experience" are you looking for?

My main racquet is also the Tour 10 Gen 2. I use two different backups (DNX 10 mid and MFIL 300) depending on my needs. Each racquet has features that match up quite well with only minor variations in swingweight, power and touch. Each are good control racquets that help my game. Although similar, these racquets offer slight differences that I like at different times. I like to match my racquet with conditions ... the condition of my body (which changes if I am physically or mentally tired) and the types of opponents.

Perhaps, if we knew what type of "slightly different experience" you are looking for we could be more helpful.

dnx-10 mid is my main stick, i have tried the m-fil300, and find it "too hollow" and stiff... how is the tour 10 gen 2 compare to the mid....?


I am one of those early forties guys who played alot as teen and then gave the game up for many different reasons. Really only playing once, twice a year if at all. Then two years ago I bought a 10oz. Head (SI4) racquet and played a little more with a buddy. Then after a good winter playing in a squash league I started back into tennis. I soon realized that the Head had too much power and did some Internet research, which led me to TW.

My first foray into players racquets was the Diablo MP, which was a great serving racquet that lacked stability and power if I wasn't on my game. Next was the Dunlop 200-2006, which I really enjoyed. Of course, I was still doing research on TW and decided that I would try heavier racquets. I purchased a Volkl Tour 10 Gen 2 used and I've been a true convert ever since, offering more comfort and much better feel. The entire time I've been improving and moving to the heavier racquet has been helpful.

I've purchased a VE10 Mid that should be arriving soon, but the outdoor season is almost over and I'll be playing less frequently during the winter. I hope this new racquet gives me a different option against the real big hitters that will be in the 5.0 tournaments. I'll post a review when I get a chance.


Hall of Fame
I've hit the Power Arm. It's a very nice hit for that type of racquet and is ideally suited for certain players. I've put several lessons into this frame since it came out. it's very comfortable for its weight and stiffness. Gobs of power which isnt hard to control provided you never hit late...all manner of spin. hit late and balls will fly everywhere...it's light enough so that there really isnt a reason to hit late.

Thanks, I hope I get to try it one day. Cant demo Völkls here unfortunately.


lest we forget: the C7 Pro. A great, almost unknown player's stick. IMO way better than the C10


I had a similar experience (a bit older than you are) and came back to the game after about 27 years. It took me a couple of years to figure out "the new" racquets and found that I really like the Gen 2 for a number of reasons. This one is the most natural feeling of all the racquets I own. It is a racquet that allows you to vary your game (power, touch, spin, maneuverability, etc.).

The Gen 2 has a slightly softer feel than the DNX 10 mid. On the plus side it has a bit more touch for volleys and drop shots. Despite what others say with my full and relatively fast swing I can get some amazing power out of the Gen 2. The DNX10 mid is very good with all types of shots and it is a bit more powerful on the serve and results in a slightly heavier ball. I like the mid alot, but like you, find myself tiring after a 2-3 hours. It is slightly higher in swingweight (playing about 325 SW as compared to the Gen 2 which plays to its 315 SW). I think both of these racquets are classics.
By the way, I find the MFIL to be slightly more powerful than either of the Volkls. I don't find it to feel hollow but quite comfortable. I switched to this one when my hand was slightly injured and it worked well for me. It doesn't require as full a swing to hit a penetrating shot. On the other hand the MFIL does not have near the touch that the Volkls have. An offensive lob is not as easy to hit as the other two racquets. The MFIL plays to its reported 317 SW.


Hall of Fame
thanks, tourtenor...
as the demo program is not available in my country, i just have to get as many info as possible before i decide to buy and try...
i have give up on m-fil 300, as it is too light and too stiff for my liking..
i wanted to try either the GEN 2 , gen 1 or the head MG radical pro.
i have heard so many good reviews on these, and i am still looking for "less demanding" back up of my mid...