My pleasure to help as much as I can
Thanks for sharing, Matchball. I still do hope more people will share their experience comparing both racquets. I copy your post in the
X10Mid thread:
So can I say that X10Mid is more forgiving than VCT89?
Well, first of all, please bear in mind that the "crisp-mute" term I used for the X10Mid is mostly for the purpose of comparison/contradiction with the old version. It has not been my intention to describe this as a typical crisp stick.
To answer your question I would say that this new Volkl would be more forgiving (unless you hit flat). You will get easier power, maybe even a bigger sweetspot, but don't think it will necessarily come through the air more easily. Have in mind that if there is something you specifically like about the VCT89, and I do suggest you demo both rackets, you can always ask for sticks with more manoeuvrable specs (balance or weight or the two combined) when you make a matching service request.
I contacted a few shops before I purchased the Organix 10 mids and I can't help but notice that finding (big enough) deviations in weight was more common than (big enough) deviations in balance for these. I have no idea about the Yonex's, mine seem to be a bit on the heavier side, but -still- they cut through the air nicely, not sluggish at all !
The way with which these two come through the air does not make them that different in my view and I would not base my decision on this factor. Moreover, the ability to play around with specs can equalize things if numbers are a concern. It goes without saying that demoing is the way to go.
I would like to hear back from you, soon.
To make a long story short, X10 mid seems easier to handle because of:
1. Larger head/sweetspot
2. Plenty of power, slightly more easily accessible (for mid standards)
3. If you have above-average spin to keep the balls in play
VCT 89:
1. Could also be described as a baseliners mid*
2. You can still put massive amounts of spin for its size, but it can accommodate flat(ter) strokes better IMO
3. Liked it more when serving
4. Control seemed a bit better overall (see disclaimer and style of play issues)
* Sounds like an oxymoron, but it is nowadays used even for the case of mids; the newer generations are crisper, spinnier, with very good pop and a surprising level of comfort. While this can count as progress-made, feel is usually the price to pay, but I can assure you more modern and younger players won't mind or even notice.
Disclaimer: I have played longer with the VCT89. I play tested the X10 Mid during cold weather in outdoor courts at all times. I get the feeling that this Volkl needs more than the usual 2 pounds tension difference between mains and crosses, just like the older version, but I will wait for other people's views, too. No relative info on the USRSA site so far. Lastly I cannot really comment on volleying at this point, but it seems the X10Mid has a bit more put-away power.