Recently i practise my volleys more.
I stay at the net, my practise partner at the baseline.
I feel it works, i feel more confident at the net.
But i know ithis drill is more interessant for me than for my practise partner.
How scould i approach this practise drill if the incoming balls are difficoult?
Of cource i want to hit it to the opponent court, but schould i aim these difficoult balls to my opponents or rather away from him as in match situation?
Thank you for your answer
I stay at the net, my practise partner at the baseline.
I feel it works, i feel more confident at the net.
But i know ithis drill is more interessant for me than for my practise partner.
How scould i approach this practise drill if the incoming balls are difficoult?
Of cource i want to hit it to the opponent court, but schould i aim these difficoult balls to my opponents or rather away from him as in match situation?
Thank you for your answer