WADA website hacked, Serena & Venus were allowed to use prohibited substances

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Hall of Fame
None of what you've written above proves there is no corruption at the highest level, when in fact most evidence suggests the contrary
If you are determined to obnoxiously deflect any attempts at a serious conversation, then you should just say so and stop wasting people's time. This is a preliminary finding, not a witch-hunt to validate pre-conceived notions about the Williams sisters. That people here would celebrate the opportunity to reward their own unfounded suspicions with such a rudimentary understanding of affairs, is expected I suppose.


Hall of Fame
I've long questioned why undisclosed therapeutic use exemptions exist. There is a point at which you are infringing upon an athlete's privacy, but their usage (however warranted) directly affects their competition. I cannot see the reason why all TUEs are not disclosed upon being given. It would certainly be one right step in an anti-doping process that is opaque and shrouded in secrecy.


If you are determined to obnoxiously deflect any attempts at a serious conversation, then you should just say so and stop wasting people's time. This is a preliminary finding, not a witch-hunt to validate pre-conceived notions about the Williams sisters. That people here would celebrate the opportunity to reward their own unfounded suspicions with such a rudimentary understanding of affairs, is expected I suppose.
LOL - touch a nerve, love?

'Preliminary finding' - LMFAO


Hall of Fame
If WADA do wrong things intentionally will they be punished and in which way?

I mean will the president be arrested? Will he go to jail or nothing happen?


Just saw this on ESPN, Sharapova to learn "in early October" about the ruling on her appeal. Shee, this decision keeps dragging on, and being delayed ,it'll be longer than the O.J case.


Hall of Fame
Prednisolone is a steroid. I know because I was prescribed it to combat partial paralysis of the left side of my face during an attack of shingles about 6 months ago.

I wonder why it was prescribed for Serena?

Wow......I'm speechless.......

Apart from !

Bloke 1 : You know that person over there is a millionaire ?
Bloke 2 : Honestly !?! Really ??
Bloke 1 : No one becomes a millionaire honestly really......

Man of steel

Hall of Fame
Prednisolone is a steroid. I know because I was prescribed it to combat partial paralysis of the left side of my face during an attack of shingles about 6 months ago.

I wonder why it was prescribed for Serena?
Its also used as an anti-inflammatory and immune system supression. Your body converts prednisone to prednisolone.


Why is Federer out this year? Is it really a knee injury or......?

My guess is because he saw this and realized there was no point in returning, he had been topped:



Hall of Fame
Pointless junk.

Serena's been "allowed" to get away with a lot more than Prednisone. Any athletic trainer in the world can confirm that for you. If anything, WADA's been paid under the table by those with vested interests to utterly bypass specific testing protocols for the untouchables like her and Agassi back in the day. Or -- as is done with big money clients like the NFL -- to give clandestine alerts as to specific testing dates so that cycles on and off illegal training aids can be managed.

That this dimwit still managed to wander in and test positive for some completely different banned substance is beyond stupid.

I'm open to being convinced, but what's your proof?


Those corticosteroid drugs aren't performance enhancers though. They're anti inflammatory and actually ****** healing (the type of anabolic steroids people would take in competition). By virtue of the fact there's filed paperwork with WADA, by definition they followed the proper channels.

Now a gymnast and other athletes like Simon Bolles on stimulants is a red flag. Those are commonly used for performance enhancing effect on the thing if leaf of ******** ADHD diagnoses.


I was here looking for something big given the posts in this thread. The fact that they followed proper protocol and requested special permission, which everyone has the right to do, makes this a non-issue. Especially given the drugs noted do not offer any special competitive advantage. I'd love to see proof and not pure speculation. The sport is bigger than Serena or Venus and a scandal like that would be very bad.
Haahaha - it's a pro-Western political tool - please

You seemed to be generally funny in a light-hearted foolish way but you are kind of making a fool of yourself on this one.

They asked for permission, most probably for a specified period of time and to treat a specific condition.

Not that I am a fan of the Williams sisters. On the contrary, especially when it comes to Serena and her rather revolting personality and antics.


Hall of Fame
Prednisolone is a steroid. I know because I was prescribed it to combat partial paralysis of the left side of my face during an attack of shingles about 6 months ago.

I wonder why it was prescribed for Serena?
I was perscribed it for a really bad case of poison oak years ago. I don't remember it being super effective, maybe better than nothing. I also recall that I later saw it has lots of side effects and wished I hadn't taken it.

As much as people ***** about her injury excuses, I always suspect there is more going on than we know. A while back, Venus got all choked up and blurted out during an interview "You don't know all the stuff she goes through!" or something to that effect. This was some time in the last couple years. I just remember wondering what was going on there.

Man of steel

Hall of Fame
Those corticosteroid drugs aren't performance enhancers though. They're anti inflammatory and actually ****** healing (the type of anabolic steroids people would take in competition). By virtue of the fact there's filed paperwork with WADA, by definition they followed the proper channels.

Now a gymnast and other athletes like Simon Bolles on stimulants is a red flag. Those are commonly used for performance enhancing effect on the thing if leaf of ******** ADHD diagnoses.
I was perscribed it for a really bad case of poison oak years ago. I don't remember it being super effective, maybe better than nothing. I also recall that I later saw it has lots of side effects and wished I hadn't taken it.

As much as people ***** about her injury excuses, I always suspect there is more going on than we know. A while back, Venus got all choked up and blurted out during an interview "You don't know all the stuff she goes through!" or something to that effect. This was some time in the last couple years. I just remember wondering what was going on there.
Serena still had to take medication even after her pulmonary embolism.


No wonder Maria could never beat Serena even when doped up. All those years of being called racist for daring to question Serena, lol music to my ears.

Let's see the WTA and WADA try and brush this under the carpet.


Bionic Poster
I was perscribed it for a really bad case of poison oak years ago. I don't remember it being super effective, maybe better than nothing. I also recall that I later saw it has lots of side effects and wished I hadn't taken it.

Fortunately, in my case, it did the trick although some later blood tests indicated it had had some effect on my thyroid levels and I was told it would take a long while to leave my system. Fortunately again, I have had no symptoms of any side-effects.

As much as people ***** about her injury excuses, I always suspect there is more going on than we know. A while back, Venus got all choked up and blurted out during an interview "You don't know all the stuff she goes through!" or something to that effect. This was some time in the last couple years. I just remember wondering what was going on there.

I guess I could understand it being prescribed for Venus because she suffers from Sjögren's Syndrome which is an auto-immune disease. So am a bit curious why Serena needs it too.
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Hall of Fame
Fortunately, in my case, it did the trick although some later blood tests indicated it had had some effect on my thyroid levels and I was told it would take a long while to leave my system. Fortunately again, I have had no symptoms of any side-effects.

I guess I could understand it being prescribed for Venus because she suffers from Sjögren's Syndrome which is an auto-immune disease. So am a bit curious why Serena needs it too.
I'm glad you recovered. Shingles sounds terrible from what I've heard.

I wonder if she will release medical records. I would love to have medical excuses to explain away most of 2014.

Man of steel

Hall of Fame
For people saying it's okay cause of TUE's....It's the same kinda crap the UCI pulled with Lance. Although in his case he got a backdated TUE for corticoids after his positive that most people don't talk about.

Very curious to see how this develops.
Unless you're now suggesting the ITF is working with serena....since all the TUE's have been approved by the ITF then this is a completely different situation.


For people saying it's okay cause of TUE's....It's the same kinda crap the UCI pulled with Lance. Although in his case he got a backdated TUE for corticoids after his positive that most people don't talk about.

Very curious to see how this develops.
I always said a lot of doping in tennis will be covered up by TUEs, this just confirms it. I wonder how many more cases there are. The sport gets older, stronger and more gruelling every year and no one can ever explain why.


This is such a grey area. Athletes get sick too and sometimes need "banned" substances to maintain a healthy lifestyle so they apply to WADA to make the appeal to take certain drugs. What people need to realise is if this was all gone through official channels then its legit, as much as we wanna hate them for it. It could be legitimate reasons and are we supposed to deny athletes drugs when they are sick? No ofcourse not.

However what comes into question is when these drugs were taken, if they were needed and how long and consistantly have they been used. None of the files leaked so far have confirmed or answered any of these questions so as of right now, there is nothing "suspicious" going on with the williams sisters. Athletes have every right to conceal medical issues as much as the rest of us and so far we have no proof that any of this was illegal or done for performance enhancing reasons. This could change in future leaks, it could not but as of when i post this. Noone has done anything wrong.


Hall of Fame
Maybe the 'proper procedures' are corrupt. And why do some people get exemptions and others not. Not sure if that is fair.
There's no way of knowing unless we know what the Williams sisters were diagnosed with in order to justify the TUE. And that is most certainly private information that no one should be forced to disclose.


Nothing big so far. she probably does juice but this was approved by the wada. Anyway im sure every top athlete is on something. Its impossible to think gatorade and some protein powder is all you need to compete at a top level
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