If you have more than one, add a leather grip to one or wrap a few layers of lead tape just above the grip and go hit. That will up the static weight without messing with the swing weight too much. It's a good start and easily reversible. You can then compare the newly weighted one to the standard. You will likely find there is no perfect combo. Great on serves but to slow on forehand etc..
Just find the best compromise.
The Tour is a great stick. If it's too much to swing long term, you have an idea on the specs you need. It would be between the two. The best thing to do is experiment. With as much as you play, you will figure it out in short order. Just don't do too much at one time. If you really want to get into this, find a local shop with an RDC machine. You need to keep track of your balance, swing weight and static weight. Mostly, just to understand what you like and so you can duplicate it.
A word of caution: customization can be a trap for some people. It's easy to get caught up in the science and become a consummate tinkerer. This can be bad for your game, especially if your one of those guys that always shows up to drills with a different stick, configuration. FWIW.