Weiss Cannon Ultra Cable 17 Happiness


Hall of Fame
Well it is a low powered control and spin string. I m interested if anyone hybrided it with a more powerfull poly in the crosses?

This should be really interesting with UC. Put a softer poly on crosses.
My experience with UC has not been positive for power issues, as many already said.
Interesting to note that there are players that simply love UC.


Hall of Fame
It's the kind of string 'love it or hate it'.
Being quite slick and crisp, the snap back is amazing, It would be interesting to hybrid with a slick more powered poly on crosses,


Hall of Fame
UC is great as it is!! If you want more power, just go with more powerful string... There is LOTS of great powerful SPIN strings, guys.......
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Hall of Fame
Strung this in my Gravity Pro at 53lbs - heavenly!!! Initially I got some high launches but it was ok after. So soft!!! I was still overhitting slightly but man could I crush that ball. I will string at 55lbs nxt time!

Shangri La

Hall of Fame
So is this a stiffer or softer string? TW review says it's rather stiff, yet it was recommended in a TW vlog as a softer poly.


It's a pretty soft for a poly. You can check out stiffness ratings on the TWU site. (Tennis Warehouse University)


Hall of Fame
So is this a stiffer or softer string? TW review says it's rather stiff, yet it was recommended in a TW vlog as a softer poly.
Tbh while I am respectful and grateful of TW information, i think its best to try it for yourself. They said the Ultra Cable was low powered but I strung at 53lbs and still was overhitting slightly.


WCUC is somewhat tension sensitive I think. The feel doesn't change tremendously, but the launch angle can vary quite a bit with just a couple of lbs of tension change. This is probably more true for those of us who like lower tensions I think. The other thing is the strings slide really well, so that can enhance or exacerbate the launch angle thing depending on how you want to look at it.

The good thing for me with this string, unlike many polys I've tried, is that it plays very consistently. Once I string it up at the tension I like and let it settle for a week or two in the bag I can play it from first hit until breakage and I don't notice much change in it's performance. The spin drops off slightly I would say, but it's still very spinny even after the crosses flatten out a bit.

So overall, I'm liking it a lot. I hear the word spin a lot from my opponents side of the court whenever I play so I know it's having an impact.


Hall of Fame
WCUC is somewhat tension sensitive I think. The feel doesn't change tremendously, but the launch angle can vary quite a bit with just a couple of lbs of tension change. This is probably more true for those of us who like lower tensions I think. The other thing is the strings slide really well, so that can enhance or exacerbate the launch angle thing depending on how you want to look at it.

The good thing for me with this string, unlike many polys I've tried, is that it plays very consistently. Once I string it up at the tension I like and let it settle for a week or two in the bag I can play it from first hit until breakage and I don't notice much change in it's performance. The spin drops off slightly I would say, but it's still very spinny even after the crosses flatten out a bit.

So overall, I'm liking it a lot. I hear the word spin a lot from my opponents side of the court whenever I play so I know it's having an impact.
What do you string at?


New User
WCUC is somewhat tension sensitive I think. The feel doesn't change tremendously, but the launch angle can vary quite a bit with just a couple of lbs of tension change. This is probably more true for those of us who like lower tensions I think. The other thing is the strings slide really well, so that can enhance or exacerbate the launch angle thing depending on how you want to look at it.

The good thing for me with this string, unlike many polys I've tried, is that it plays very consistently. Once I string it up at the tension I like and let it settle for a week or two in the bag I can play it from first hit until breakage and I don't notice much change in it's performance. The spin drops off slightly I would say, but it's still very spinny even after the crosses flatten out a bit.

So overall, I'm liking it a lot. I hear the word spin a lot from my opponents side of the court whenever I play so I know it's having an impact.
I agree that it's a little more tension sensitive than most copolys, probably due to its differing material composition. At higher tensions, it can seem too boardy and unresponsive, and at lower tensions, it can get spongy and overly springy. This is especially true when used as a main. I find it much less tension sensitive when used as a cross, which is where its attributes, such as its shape and its slickness, really shine. I like it as a cross both with multis and with other polys, both stiff and soft. In general, when paired with a multi, it will saw through the multi well before it goes dead, and when paired with a copoly, it'll splinter (it tends to splinter rather than snap) before cutting through the mains. I've only used it with 16ga mains, so that might not be the case with thinner gauges.


Hall of Fame
I agree that it's a little more tension sensitive than most copolys, probably due to its differing material composition. At higher tensions, it can seem too boardy and unresponsive, and at lower tensions, it can get spongy and overly springy. This is especially true when used as a main. I find it much less tension sensitive when used as a cross, which is where its attributes, such as its shape and its slickness, really shine. I like it as a cross both with multis and with other polys, both stiff and soft. In general, when paired with a multi, it will saw through the multi well before it goes dead, and when paired with a copoly, it'll splinter (it tends to splinter rather than snap) before cutting through the mains. I've only used it with 16ga mains, so that might not be the case with thinner gauges.
What would you consider a higher tension with this string? I currently have it at 53lbs in my Gravity Pro and feel I want to do 55lbs as I was still overhitting slightly. Thoughts?


New User
What would you consider a higher tension with this string? I currently have it at 53lbs in my Gravity Pro and feel I want to do 55lbs as I was still overhitting slightly. Thoughts?
At the risk of sounding evasive, it's really difficult to say exactly what's too tight and too loose. There are simply too many equipment variables, and they all affect how we use that equipment. I can only speak for myself in noting that, for me, it gets too tight when I find myself having to swing faster to generate drive, and then I have to put more spin to keep those drives in, which then can lead to too many mishits. It's too loose when I don't feel like I can swing freely, and I feel like I need to slow down the swing to keep the ball from sailing. "Boardy" and "Spongy" are both related to swing speed, so the point at which it feels like either for me will be different than it is for you. I've also found that tension with this string can be counterintuitive - try going down in tension instead of up if you're overhitting, and you may find that your spin production increases for the same amount of drive, keeping the ball in the court. HEAD racquets all recommend 48-57 lbs (something I never understood - how can the tensions all be the same, regardless of head size and string pattern?), so I would try 50 lbs mains and 48 lb crosses for a full bed of ultracable and see how that feels.

Shangri La

Hall of Fame
I am a fan of Weiss Cannon and always like yellow/lime strings. If it's not too stiff then I will give it a try.