This is the exact opposite of what research studies say. Rec players with a 1HBH lead with the elbow and hit the ball late with a flexed wrist. Advanced players hit the ball early while extending their wrist.What @ppma said.
I've heard coaches say that an extended wrist on a drive 1HBH is a cause of injuries for rec players and that instead it should be slightly flexed.

Wrist kinematics differ in expert and novice tennis players performing the backhand stroke: implications for tennis elbow - PubMed
Investigators have suggested that the greater prevalence of lateral humeral epicondylitis (tennis elbow, TE) in novice tennis players compared to expert players may reflect the novice players' use of faulty mechanics for the backhand stroke. We investigated the wrist kinematics...

“Experts performed the backhand stroke with the wrist extended (re: neutral alignment of the forearm and hand dorsum). Collision of the ball and racket occurred with the wrist extended on average of 0.41 rad (about 23 degrees from neutral alignment) in the expert players; moreover, their wrists were moving further into extension at impact. In contrast, novice subjects struck the ball with the wrist flexed 0.22 rad (about 13 degrees) while moving their wrists further into flexion.”