In several of the threads about this year's Nationals there has been discussion of some teams and players that were clearly out of level. Many of the comments are in the 18+ 4.0M thread ( and center around the Intermountain team that had a bunch of self-rates, but mention of some other teams with perceived to be players well above level. And in the past, there have been notable captains/teams that would seem to have managed ratings to get bumped down or into appeal range only to make a run to Nationals.
This all got me thinking about what tactics would be considered acceptable in assembling a team. So I put this poll together with what I consider a pretty broad range of things a captain and their players might do to assemble a team to make a run at Nationals. Which of these do you consider acceptable? Which would you say aren't acceptable even if technically they don't break a rule (or at least can't be proven)?
The poll is limited to 10 answers, so I couldn't list everything I wanted to so a few options are probably a little gray, but it will be interesting to see how folks respond. And for the most part, local rules not withstanding, everything listed is legal (or extremely hard to prove).
This all got me thinking about what tactics would be considered acceptable in assembling a team. So I put this poll together with what I consider a pretty broad range of things a captain and their players might do to assemble a team to make a run at Nationals. Which of these do you consider acceptable? Which would you say aren't acceptable even if technically they don't break a rule (or at least can't be proven)?
The poll is limited to 10 answers, so I couldn't list everything I wanted to so a few options are probably a little gray, but it will be interesting to see how folks respond. And for the most part, local rules not withstanding, everything listed is legal (or extremely hard to prove).