I am thinking getting a Head Prestige and like to get some opinions from people who have played with any of the Prestiges, e.g., Prestige Pro, Prestige Classic 600, Prestige Pro Tour, Prestige Pro Tour 660, LiquidMetal Prestige Mid, Flexpoint Prestige, etc.
Pro Tour 630
^How about the i.prestige mid (instead of MP)?
Thanks. Even though the I.Prestige Mid and PC600 are discontinued, one can still get them used. How about the Liquidmetal Prestige? It employs the twin tube technology.the I.Prestige Mid is also a very solid frame, the closest you could get to the PC600. However these rackets are all discontinued. The current stock Mids you could try is the MG Prestige Mid, which is not bad.
Can someone compare the MGPMP to the I.prestige MP?
I like the MGPMP w/ lead.