^^ +1
Laughter is indeed the best medicine...for many things in life. A running joke for me et al. is that we've "gone out to lunch." Some days, when it's really bad, we'll say we've "gone out to a 3-martini lunch." So...a very good friend/mentor/player....told me to "bring a brown bag. Don't go out to lunch." LOL These days, I actually keep a small, brown paper bag in with my tennis gear. When I feel myself "going to lunch," I'll dig around in my bag for it, have a good laugh and go back on court with a new attitude.
All humor aside, the true "yips" call for slowing things down and hitting conservative targets til you can get things back under control. In doubles, my usual yips are on service returns...so I refocus on aiming for the intersection of the outside service box/line/alley. I call it "putting it back in play." If I tell my partner that's what I'm doing, she knows where I'm trying to play the ball, nothing fancy...and that I'm struggling.
In singles, I'm aiming for The Diamond. Imagine the shape starting at the baseline center hash mark, going out to those same service box/alley intersections and rejoining at the divider line at the net. (Sorry...wish I could come up with a quick graphic) Granted, that's a fairly large target area and unlikely to generate any winners (from me), but as I begin to hit (even that large) target...I start to narrow it down. Eventually, I feel comfortable to again...hit outside The Diamond (deep corners and drop shot/short angles.
Don't often get the yips on serve or volleys so I don't have many tried and true tips to overcome them.
Good luck and I look forward to reading other replies...as well as any success you have going forward!