What Grips do You All Use with 2 Handed Backhand?


Hall of Fame
I'm right handed. My right hand is Eastern Backhand (sometimes Continental), and my left hand is always Eastern Forehand. I get extreme topsin and power with this grip combo.


Funny - I am switching from eastern-eastern to non-dom. semi-western dom.eastern because I get better topspin and power that way. Different strokes for different folks eh ?


Hall of Fame
jayserinos99 said:
I'm left handed; I use an eastern grip for my right hand and a continental for my left hand.
Do you mean semi-western on your left hand or did you have it the other way around, left hand eastern and right hand continental?


Hall of Fame
rickson, the ball doesn't pop up at all. i tend to hit my backhands a bit flatter though.

gmlasam, that's correct, my right hand is in an eastern forehand grip while my left hand is in a continental grip. one drill that a lot of people use is to hit opposite handed forehands, this really helped me out as well (i learned this on these boards). if you go down a few posts, i posted some videos of me hitting a couple of backhands.


Hall of Fame
I believe I am Eastern with both hands as well and I can hit with good pace, lots of spin, and good consistency. I should probably experiment with the continental grip on the backhand side just for giggles. I also need to see if I can slice with two hands or if I can just drop the left hand off as I hit the ball.