what is the beam like on pro no. 1?


Hall of Fame
so the pacific x-force is supposed to be a remold of the fischer pro no.1 but according to here the x-force has a 25mm shaft and a 20 mm tip

where as the fischer has the reverse measurements of 20mm shaft and 25mm tip

which one is correct?

what does the shape do to the stability, feel, aerodynamics, and twistweight of the frame?


Hall of Fame
What Automatix said. Both have a tapered beams. 25mm tip down to 20mm shaft.

Never played with the Pacific branded models but the Fischer models were always very solid for me. I felt the thicker tip caused them to play "stiffer" than they were rated but these racquets are by no means stiff frames. Also, I felt because of the tapered design, the upper hoop was much more playable than racquets with uniform beams that were narrower but similar flex rated.


Hall of Fame
It is the exact same mold, not a "re-mold". I own several Pacific and Fischer racquets and they are the same across the line so far as the mold is concerned. Bumpers and grommets are also identical.


So is my M-Pro no.1 and while it is wider, it' THINNER, as it gos farther to the top of the frame.
It's also 4 points head-light, that helps make it easier to swing for a heavyweight. Mine is the 320 gram (+ - 5gr), and to make it even MORE head-light, I added 10 grams to the butt cap. With a full poly string-job and a couple extra grip-wraps, it comes up to a hefty 13 oz!
After a few dozen hits with it I went home and had to ice my shoulder down!
I used to hit with a Pro-Kennex Compposite Desitny, in the ealy '90's, that started at 11.5 oz and I added another oz of lead tape, at the 9,12,3 o'clock positions and at the butt cap, to bring the balance back.
Back then, the Fischer would have been a dream come try! But it's been so long since I've played regularly, that it will be a while before I beef up a bit again, but soon I'll be able to do some damage with it, strung at 42lbs.m,40lbs.x!
For now, my Babolat Y-105 balanced at 4 points H-L, at 11.3 oz, feels just perfect!