what is the closest to Exo3 Tour by SW and ballance but slightly stiffer?

SW and ballance of Prince Exo3 16x18 fits me ideally, but I'm looking for smth slightly stiffer and crisper... Excellent racquet, but I think it's a bit too armfriendly, for the cases when you have to sacrifice some control and power in order to save your injured elbow/shoulder.
Already tried IG Rad Pro, ideal stiffness for me, but I didn't like it's head heaviness and high swingweight, came to a conclusion that these params should be as close to Exo3 as possible in my next racquet... String pattern - more than 16X18 and less that 18X20, stiffness not as high as in AeroProDrive and puredrive, head size 98-100... Any recommendations?


The new Tour 100T ESP frames have a more open pattern than you said you desired but they are also firmer than the Exos offering better control (at least with full poly) and spin. It is a lighter frame so you would have to experiment with lead to get it to the weight you want.


Hall of Fame
I played with the Tour 100 16x18 on and off for over a year and had the same complaint - too flexy. I have moved to the 100T ESP and it feels more solid even with the much lower swing weight. I added a few grams under the bumper and will probably throw on a leather grip. Give it a demo.

Also check out the Tour Team. Add a leather grip with 10-15g of lead or so under it and then some lead under the bumper. Same shape, string pattern and stiff enough.
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Exo3 Warrior or O3 White. Same head shape, 16x19, the familiar port feeling, stiffer yet still arm friendly. You might need to lead them up just a bit, but try them as they are first...


Check out the Prince Ozone Tour 16x18 --- still a few of those floating around the TW Classifieds
100ESP - I'v read a thread Taking the Prince Tour 100T ESP out for a demo about it and concerned about its extreme string pattern, because of restringing and control. On my Exo even poly string begins to move quite early after restringing, I imagine what's happening with 16X16... By the way I was suprised that some people in that thread find flattening the ball easier than on Exo 16x18...

About exo team version - I'v been thinking about it, a little firmer, and it has a lot of positive reviews

And to be honest, I am interested in Younex racquets, such as Yonex EZONE Xi 98 or E-Zone Ai 98 (what's the main difference?) - they are close to Exo3 by SW and ballance, nice string pattern 16x19, 98 head but still big sweetspot...
The only thing I'm afraid - if they have less power than Exo3, as I understand they are undrepowered racquets. Maybe anybody has an experience of using both Exo Tour and one of these Yonex racquets?