What is the premier Babolat tweener racket?


New User
I'm looking for the best Babolat tweener racket to demo along with the Prince EXO3 White, EXO3 Black, and EXO3 Black Team rackets. I want something good in power that doesn't sacrifice too much control. I'm not a noob at tennis.


I've been using the APDGT recently and surprisingly liked it (I generally hate babolats) I would also look at the Pure Storm GT (the non tour version)
Pure Drive GT (300g)
Pure Drive Roddick GT (315g)
- slightly heavier version
- extra weight feels better IMO

AeroProDrive Cortex GT (300g)
- more of a 'solid' feel compared to the PureDrive range
- feels slightly cumbersome

PureDrive GT (295g)
- more control than the other two ranges
- but less spin, too light, and feels a bit insubstantial compared to PDGT and APDC GT.


Hall of Fame
the APDGT is an amazing tweener. Nearly all the power of the pure drive, with much more spin, control and feel.