btw, I think an equally important test besides resting HR, is how quickly
your heart returns to a number close to your resting HR after a strenuous
activity that brings the HR up close to your max HR. Basically if you
sprinted all out for 400m and then stopped, what would your HR be after
1 minute? After 2 minutes? After 3 minutes?
*Consult your doctor b4 doing this. I don't recommend this for people who
fall into any of the following categories:
have a history of high blood pressure, heart disease, are upwards of 300+ lbs
and 40% bodyfat, missing knee cartilage, sprained ankles, have emphysema,
just got back from the bar and are at .25 blood alcohol level, just ran a
marathon, just got back from the all-you-can-eat buffet, are within 1 week of
labor (childbirth, not starting a new job), etc.