Please post your NTRP and your weakest part of your game.
I am 4.0 and my weakest part of game is the volley
I am 4.0 and my weakest part of game is the volley
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Just about everyone can use a stronger serve.
My shots are consistently inconsistent. It's a problem with my mental game. I'm a self-rated 3.5, who has good strokes but doesn't know how to play it safe.
are you kidding me? only 2 others have their backhand as their weakest shot?
That really surprised me, im not going to lie.
I am surprised how few people have quoted their movement as their weakness.
Only if I could move better.
The poll is not a "weakest shot" poll but more of a "weakest element of your game" poll. I'm sure if you asked about specific strokes, most would say their backhand is worst. For instance in doubles I have problems returning serve on the backhand side, but wouldn't say my backhand in general is bad because I can hit routine backhand shots without a problem.
I still say everyone can use a better serve.
oh snap I forgot to post my NTRP.
I'm a 6.0 player who has a weak backhand, a horrible mental game, and an even worse return game
Oh and i'm 15 years old, and have trouble winning at the #3 singles spot for my school. I'd still say I'm a legit 6.0 player though....
No you're not.
Sarcasm much?