What is your weakest part of the game?

Weakest part of your game.

  • Service

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • Movement

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Forehand

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • Backhand

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Volleys

    Votes: 14 16.1%
  • Returns

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • Mental

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • Approach shots

    Votes: 2 2.3%
  • Consistency

    Votes: 11 12.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 5.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Please post your NTRP and your weakest part of your game.

I am 4.0 and my weakest part of game is the volley
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The Don

well i dont have an official ntrp rating just yet and my game is improving everyday that i play tennis. I'd say my backhand isnt so good as i want it to be. I do need to work on those more:-|


Can you pick three? lol. Because there are three things that are on the same level in terms of my weakest part:


Don't have an ntrp, don't live in america.


My shots are consistently inconsistent. It's a problem with my mental game. I'm a self-rated 3.5, who has good strokes but doesn't know how to play it safe.

albino smurf

Everybody I see needs to start with their feet first, myself included. Keeping moving and light on your feet for hours and hours is nearly impossible for most people.


I think my weaknesses are different between singles and doubles:

singles - consistency

doubles - placement / return of serve, these go hand-in-hand because I can't place my returns well enough to avoid getting poached and when I am volleying I tend to place routine shots poorly enough that they come back


movement/fitness...not as fast as i used to be so chasing too many balls gets me tired. :( btw - need to lose at least 20 lbs too.


I'm a 4.5 but am out of shape. So if I have to vote for only of the catergories it was other. FItness is my weakness. Get me into a 20 ball rally adn i'm shot for the next two points. I am lucky to have a good serve and hold serve with ease. I get a lot of free points when I m serving giving me that needed blow to try and break my opponent.

My backhand has a tendency to break down out of pure laziness.


Patchy play. If I concentrate, I can hit any shot in the book. Once I lose my focus, anything in my game can go off tangent.


Hall of Fame
are you kidding me? only 2 others have their backhand as their weakest shot?

That really surprised me, im not going to lie.


1st serve for me :( I hit a slice/kick serve for both 1st and 2nd serve with good placement up to about 90-100mph, but Ive never been coached how to correctly hit a harder flat 1st serve, and when I try to do it, it is definitely 15-20 mph faster but is not nearly consistent enough so I simply dont do it
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are you kidding me? only 2 others have their backhand as their weakest shot?

That really surprised me, im not going to lie.

The poll is not a "weakest shot" poll but more of a "weakest element of your game" poll. I'm sure if you asked about specific strokes, most would say their backhand is worst. For instance in doubles I have problems returning serve on the backhand side, but wouldn't say my backhand in general is bad because I can hit routine backhand shots without a problem.


I am surprised how few people have quoted their movement as their weakness.

Only if I could move better.

To be honest, I think when talking about the average rec player between 3.0-4.0, the player will probably have problems with mechanics and consistency before their movement becomes a factor. I think when you have solid mechanics, and are facing opponents who can direct the ball well, your lack of movement will start to show. I mean heck I don't have stellar movement, but I've never had an opponent exploit any weaknesses in my movement.


Hall of Fame
The poll is not a "weakest shot" poll but more of a "weakest element of your game" poll. I'm sure if you asked about specific strokes, most would say their backhand is worst. For instance in doubles I have problems returning serve on the backhand side, but wouldn't say my backhand in general is bad because I can hit routine backhand shots without a problem.

Oh yeah I didn't notice that. "element" and "shot" are two different things completley, I misread that.

Either way though lol, my backhand is the worst element of my game and my serve is the best part of my game. Twist serves can work wonders for a S&V player haha, I love that serve

oh and my mental game is pretty bad too, that comes behind backhand


I'm a 4.0 and my weakness is my Roddick-esque approach shots..lol

Just kidding, my true weakness is my serve.


4.0 (conservative) but my mental game slows me down. My movement falls apart in the 3rd set...

Strengths -- Serve + 2HBH


Bionic Poster
Movement for sure.
If I had your movement, I'd be easy 5.5 or higher.
But now can't cover nearer than 3' of the singles sidelines, so maybe 4.0 :confused::confused:


New User
Movement/endurance for me. I anticipate well and have a good first-step, but if my opponent can get me on the run I'll tire too easily. I've had to learn to buy time in situations where I could have been more aggressive in the past.

I'm a computer-rated 4.5.


Hall of Fame
oh snap I forgot to post my NTRP.

I'm a 6.0 player who has a weak backhand, a horrible mental game, and an even worse return game

Oh and i'm 15 years old, and have trouble winning at the #3 singles spot for my school. I'd still say I'm a legit 6.0 player though....
The serve, over the winter it broke down. The 2nd stayed where it was (okay) but the first one broke down. Now it's a month before tennis season and I'm resorting to duct tape to save the serve D:


Hall of Fame
No idea about NTRP but based on all I've watched I'm a 3.5 without overrating myself. And the worst part of my game is the forehand. Less power than my backhand and very inconsistent. My movement is terrible as well, and lazy too, but I've got very good instincts/reflexes which kinda made up for it.:)


Sometimes I'm late in my movement especially in backhand. I always say I must "open" the racket more quickly, but it doesn't happen all the time. Smash is something I'm working on and hitting while running another...
I still say everyone can use a better serve.

For sure. Actually, we could all use to improve ANY aspect of the game, especially footwork. The problem with the serve is that nobody practices it. After all, why would someone want to spend time developing a weakness in their game when they can rally all day long?

Could barely lift my arm to serve yesterday from that workout. I'll get used to it though. Groundies still felt fine. :)

Will hit the gym today after school and whip these excuses for legs into shape once and for all.



oh snap I forgot to post my NTRP.

I'm a 6.0 player who has a weak backhand, a horrible mental game, and an even worse return game

Oh and i'm 15 years old, and have trouble winning at the #3 singles spot for my school. I'd still say I'm a legit 6.0 player though....

No you're not.


Hall of Fame
Returns for me is most definately the weakest part of my game. I'm a 4.0 NTRP. Singles returns are not a much of a problem as doubles. I really like to return up the line and that just doesn't work in dubs for obvious reasons. Thus I frequently struggle with my return game. As for those that say we could all use a better serve I would agree, which is why I practice my serve at least 3 times per week. As a result it's rare for me to have more than 2 doubles in a match and I get many free points on my serve.