What racket should I chose please help[


New User
What racket do you think I should get. Right now I'm using the K Blade Team, but the grip size is to long. Now I'm thinking should I buy another K Blade Team with a smaller grip size or should I switch to the yonex racket that Hewitt and Ivanovic are using??? Please help


What racket do you think I should get. Right now I'm using the K Blade Team, but the grip size is to long. Now I'm thinking should I buy another K Blade Team with a smaller grip size or should I switch to the yonex racket that Hewitt and Ivanovic are using??? Please help

If you like everything about the racquet besides the grip-size, then why buy a totally different racquet?

I would just get the same racquet in a smaller grip-size...


If you like everything about the racquet besides the grip-size, then why buy a totally different racquet?

I would just get the same racquet in a smaller grip-size...

but if you do want to get a new racquet i would recommend hewitt and ivanovic's racquet. the rq is 1 tour


Hall of Fame
I would NOT recommend a RQiS tour. You're playing with a 10.5 ounce racket and you're considering moving up to a 12 ounce racket? That thing is considerly less powerful that your K blade team. I wouldn't get a new racket at all: just take off your grip, and wrap an overgrip.


Yea dont use the RQ iS tour 1 if you cant generate your own power or use a heavy racket haha, but if you can then go ahead be my guest


Hall of Fame
What is the grip size? Also I agree that would be a big shift from going from a racket which weighs a little over 10 ounces to a racket that weighs almost 12 ounces. Probably not a good idea but it's your choice.


New User
Thanks guys I think I'm going to stick with the K Blade Team, the reason I want to switch is because the grip size is 5/8 I didn't think it made such a big difference till now when I order the new one should I get 1/2 or smaller