What should I expect??


Hello, everyone! I am new to tennis at age 33. I started playing for the first time last month. I take lessons right now. Just for fun, I plan on playing in a 2.5 tournament in December. What should I expect? What should I be able to do? What will the players be able to do? From lurking on this board, I saw that tournament players tend to play over their rating so should I expect 3.0 play? The USTA thing for 2.5 says maintain a slow rally...Boy, that leaves out a lot of information! *wink*

I don't have an official rating as I have never played before. I think 2.5 is a good place to start and my pro seems to think so too.

Right now, I am working on hitting my forehand and backhand actually over and not into the net on a consistent bais! LOL I can hit the ball hard and correctly but not consistently and am working on my ability to aim my shots.

We started to cover volleys and serves. Boy, the serve looks so easy on tv but is really so dang hard! LOL I have yet to hit one in! Yikes!!!

So, that's where I am at. Do you all think I will be ok in the tournament? Thanks so much! :-0


If you can find a tournament with a 2.5 division, jump into it. Most start at 3.0 and you would likely get beat up pretty good at that level but do it for the experience and fun. Also, you'll find out how much you can do and where you need improve. Good luck and tell us how it goes.

Geezer Guy

Hall of Fame
So, you started playing in September at age 33. You're going to enter a 2.5 tournament in December. After playing just 3 months, you may be in for a hard time. However, if you're very athletic, can run down a lot of balls and get them back in play, you could do OK. Most 2.5 players do not have a big weapon. Most points end with an unforced error. If you can make your opponent make the unforced error, you've got a shot at doing well. Between now and the tournament, work on building your consistency in ALL aspects. Don't worry about hitting aces or winners. Worry about getting/keeping the ball in play - preferably deep and to your opponents backhand.

Good luck. Most importantly - have fun.


Hey, go for it! Be ready to run and be ready to lose.

Is there any chance you can join a league or tennis ladder and get some match experience? Or maybe just ask your pro for the names of a few students at your level and play some real matches? I think you will find that the things you can do in lessons abandon you pretty quickly under pressure.

Oh, and please read the Rules and especially the Code. Ask your pro to point out to you anything you are doing that will vex and annoy others (e.g. failing to have two balls on you when you step up to serve).

Heck, start a thread here about what vexes and annoys others, and I bet you will get quite an introduction to tennis etiquette . . .


Thanks everyone for your responses!

I just LOVE tennis and can't get enough of it now! lol

I wish I had started as a kid. :-0

Yes, I am pretty athletic so worse case scenerio my pro wants me to just go to the net and volley...like a lot! hehehe

I am just doing it for the experience and hope to get serious next year and try to play USTA League tennis.

Good suggestion to make sure I know the rules. Yeah, that would help, huh!! I have always watched tons of tennis on tv so I'm not totally lost!

I'll keep you all posted on how it goes! :)