It was decided to only have one machine on a stand, with the other two on the tables. It's not too bad, although makes me appreciate the Baiardo that much more.
been really busy in the stringing room, and about to pick up more. I'm srtinging the night shift to give some relief. During the day, I'm covering at the pro shop where it has been really busy, along with stringing for some of my clients when I get home. Have strung a total of 94 frames over the last 4+ days. But am having a ball, and enjoying every minute of it. Strung some frames today for Tipsarivec, Andreev, Serra, etc.
The number of frames I've strung is nothing compared to the guys string there all day. One guy once stayed up 24 straight hours, and strung 52 frames. :shock:
LOL. That would be funny.
Good stuff, can't wait to hear more.