What technique s best to serve to the near outside corner on duce court?

Tiger Paw

New User
For right handed player...

Especially to make ball move way outside the doubles ally after bouncing no more than say half way between the net and the service line....

I've tryed a variety of techniques and am interested in hearing of other players experiences in mastering this serve placement.


Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
Yes. Slice serve.

Let's say that the ball is a clock.

You bypass the ball at 3 o'clock. The strings move up on the ball at 3 o'clock, and pronate. If bypass occurs correctly the resultant slice will move away from the right-handed forehand (deuce court).

Slice serve can also be used in the ad court up the T; and you can also jam your opponent with slice in deuce court (where the ball will curve into receiver's body).

Tiger Paw

New User
Problem with the pure slice is the difficulty in having ball land high in the service box. Often the net interfers with a perfect shot! A slice hit at 3 o'clock tends to have a flater trajectory. One needs the hight and spin to get over the net and still land close to the net. A deep slice ball will provide havac as it moves off the court, but it is the up close one I am after.

Agree the 3 O'clock spin works well. Try the 7 to 2 spin to get more hight over the net, but the reverse kick pulls ball back toward the court.

A topspin can work, but the kick is straight.

It is not a simple shot... which is why I wanted to hear how other have conceptualized the shot before hitting it.


Wide off the deuce side is where most of my aces come from! Focus on carving the outside of ball. If the serve ends up going into then net, you need to hit more into the ball and carve less. Make sure you utilize body rotation and toss to the right. Good luck!

Tiger Paw

New User
Thanks Frenchie!

That's the help I need...

I love the word "carving"

I've also been concerned that tossing too far to the right, which gives a wicked non-boucing slice, is also a big early "give away" to an experienced opponent.