What Tennis Racquets Play like a Babolat Pure Drive?!? (perfect for tennis players looking for easy power & spin at any level!)

TW Staff


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We always get asked, "What plays like a Babolat Pure Drive?!"

Whether you are looking for an identical racquet to offer easy power and spin or something slightly different to provide something a little bit different than the Pure Drive, we have some great racquets for you to check out!
Tiffani and Troy join Michelle and discuss several options for players!

What other racquets would you love for us to do a deeper dive and offer similar options?! Leave us a review with any insight!
➤Babolat Pure Drive: http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpage-BRPDR.html
➤Yonex EZONE 100: http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpage-YE100.html
➤Dunlop FX 500: http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpage-FX500R.html
➤Head Graphene 360+ Extreme MP: http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpage-360XM.html
➤Wilson Clash 100: http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpage-WC100R.html
➤Babolat Pure Aero: http://www.tennis-warehouse.com/descpage-BPAR.html

Have any further questions or want to continue the conversation?! Comment below!
Happy Hitting!
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