What was the fouth most important Pro tournament of 1966?


The traditional Pro Slams - Wembley, US Pro and French Pro were the top 3 tournaments. But what was the fourth in 1966?

Was it?:

- Madison Square Garden Pro - won by Rosewall

- West Australian Pro - won by Laver

- South Australian Pro - won by Rosewall

- Forest Hill Pro - won by Laver


The traditional Pro Slams - Wembley, US Pro and French Pro were the top 3 tournaments. But what was the fourth in 1966?

Was it?:

- Madison Square Garden Pro - won by Rosewall

- West Australian Pro - won by Laver

- South Australian Pro - won by Rosewall

- Forest Hill Pro - won by Laver

timnz, It's hard to decide if MSG or Forest Hills.