Whatever happened to Bernard Tomic?


Hall of Fame
I just realized a couple of days ago that it has been years since I've even heard the name. Six or so years ago he was still viewed as something of a hot prospect, but from what I can remember, his father was verbally abusive toward him. Did he ever ditch his father as coach? What circuit does he play on these days? What's the news?


Hall of Fame
Went 7-15 on the ATP Tour last year and hasn't won a main draw match since last July. If he doesn't go back to Challengers he'll probably be unranked within a few months.

Really disappointing since he had a bunch of good results in 2018 and looked like turning things around. I feel terrible for him, he's clearly got a mess of personal issues and suffers badly from depression. His father is a psychopath and really did a number on him.

I Am Finnish

Bionic Poster
I just realized a couple of days ago that it has been years since I've even heard the name. Six or so years ago he was still viewed as something of a hot prospect, but from what I can remember, his father was verbally abusive toward him. Did he ever ditch his father as coach? What circuit does he play on these days? What's the news?
Preparing for RG:)


The guy has a lot of mental problems. People like to jump on the Bernie hate train but this is an admittedly talented athlete who’s been clearly suffocated by his fathers relentless torment throughout the years. He burned out way too quickly, he doesn’t like tennis but still does it because it’s all he knows how to do, not finishing school and whatnot. It’s a very sad tale, and he didn’t even look bad late 2018/early 2019, almost got a set off Djokovic during this time period. But he’s just so fragile mentally, he clearly doesn’t want to be anywhere near a tennis court but what choice does he have?

King No1e

The guy has a lot of mental problems. People like to jump on the Bernie hate train but this is an admittedly talented athlete who’s been clearly suffocated by his fathers relentless torment throughout the years. He burned out way too quickly, he doesn’t like tennis but still does it because it’s all he knows how to do, not finishing school and whatnot. It’s a very sad tale, and he didn’t even look bad late 2018/early 2019, almost got a set off Djokovic during this time period. But he’s just so fragile mentally, he clearly doesn’t want to be anywhere near a tennis court but what choice does he have?
This. There's a reason I dump on characters like Kyrgios and Fognini but not as much Tomic. He was forced into tennis by his abusive dad. He clearly doesn't enjoy playing despite being very talented, and he's honest enough to admit it. Obviously there isn't much to admire about Tomic the Tank Engine's on-court attitude, but it's totally understandable given the circumstances.

Federer and Del Potro

Bionic Poster
The guy has a lot of mental problems. People like to jump on the Bernie hate train but this is an admittedly talented athlete who’s been clearly suffocated by his fathers relentless torment throughout the years. He burned out way too quickly, he doesn’t like tennis but still does it because it’s all he knows how to do, not finishing school and whatnot. It’s a very sad tale, and he didn’t even look bad late 2018/early 2019, almost got a set off Djokovic during this time period. But he’s just so fragile mentally, he clearly doesn’t want to be anywhere near a tennis court but what choice does he have?
At least he’s been successful enough to make millions out of it. Happy for him for that. Hopefully he manages the money well and finds something enriching down the line. He’s still super young


He's always talking about how much money he has, if he doesn't want to play tennis why not just retire and enjoy life ?
This. There's a reason I dump on characters like Kyrgios and Fognini but not as much Tomic. He was forced into tennis by his abusive dad. He clearly doesn't enjoy playing despite being very talented, and he's honest enough to admit it. Obviously there isn't much to admire about Tomic the Tank Engine's on-court attitude, but it's totally understandable given the circumstances.
I sort of disagree with this, He must like tennis or he wouldn't be as good as he is and stuck with it as long as he has. I know he says he doesn't enjoy it but I say the same sometimes and then I find myself standing back on a tennis court. As for his abusive dad he can use that excuse when he is a young adult/child 14-18 maybe a little older however sooner or later he has to be a man and not let himself be influenced by his father. Also many of us would be grateful for a father that encouraged us to play tennis if they saw the natural talent. Many people here in AUS think Tomic is just an ungrateful spoiled little brat. Oh and verbally bashing Hewitt didnt do Tomic any favours. At least we can see Nick maturing we don't see that with Tomic


He didn't meet the expectations he putted on himself and now is in constant selfdestructing loop. No other reason for a top 20 player in 2015 not to be in top 100 while still in his 20's. The same happened with Gulbis, Dimitrov and likely Kyrgios will follow.


Hall of Fame
Tomic the tank engine reached the end of the line. Think his last stop was Helsinki.

Nowadays he frequents B grade TV shows and probably lots of nightclubs, if he can still afford the odd lap dance.

King No1e

I sort of disagree with this, He must like tennis or he wouldn't be as good as he is and stuck with it as long as he has. I know he says he doesn't enjoy it but I say the same sometimes and then I find myself standing back on a tennis court. As for his abusive dad he can use that excuse when he is a young adult/child 14-18 maybe a little older however sooner or later he has to be a man and not let himself be influenced by his father. Also many of us would be grateful for a father that encouraged us to play tennis if they saw the natural talent. Many people here in AUS think Tomic is just an ungrateful spoiled little brat. Oh and verbally bashing Hewitt didnt do Tomic any favours. At least we can see Nick maturing we don't see that with Tomic
Tomic is staying with tennis because he doesn't really have other career options at this point - he's been relatively successful as a player and he's earned millions, but he just doesn't enjoy doing what he's doing. He's like Andre Agassi in 1997, except permanently like that.


Bionic Poster
Tomic is staying with tennis because he doesn't really have other career options at this point - he's been relatively successful as a player and he's earned millions, but he just doesn't enjoy doing what he's doing. He's like Andre Agassi in 1997, except permanently like that.

Agassi at least made an enormous success of his tennis career however much he may have disliked being forced to play it by his over-ambitious dad. He justified his dad's expectations of him and he only mentioned his dislike of tennis when he wrote his memoirs years after he retired as a tennis all-time great.

By comparison, Tomic, Kyrgios, Bublik etc. are just pathetic whingers who haven't yet shown that they can achieve anything in a game they profess to dislike. They haven't justified anybody's faith in them and they all sound like bad workmen trying to blame their tools for their own lack of success.

King No1e

Agassi at least made an enormous success of his tennis career however much he may have disliked being forced to play it by his over-ambitious dad. He justified his dad's expectations of him and he only mentioned his dislike of tennis when he wrote his memoirs years after he retired as a tennis all-time great.

By comparison, Tomic, Kyrgios, Bublik etc. are just pathetic whingers who haven't yet shown that they can achieve anything in a game they profess to dislike. They haven't justified anybody's faith in them and they all sound like bad workmen trying to blame their tools for their own lack of success.
Kyrgios is worse than the other 2. Tomic and Bublik just slack off and have the "f--- this" attitude toward tennis that I did toward my studies when I was 12. Nick acts arrogant, like he's God's gift to humanity. He's more of a narcissistic attention wh0re than the other 2.


I saw Tomic at the grocery store, told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a pain and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Bionic Poster
I don't feel the least bit bad for him, as - from all accounts - he sounds like an entitled brat.
I'm the last person to make excuses for Tomic, but he's mentally ill, and I don't mean just bipolar. He has some serious issues, the press has reported on this and Tomic has admitted it.

People forget he was the #1 ranked junior, won two junior slams and was widely touted as a future #1 as a teen.


Bionic Poster
I'm the last person to make excuses for Tomic, but he's mentally ill, and I don't mean just bipolar. He has some serious issues, the press has reported on this and Tomic has admitted it.

People forget he was the #1 ranked junior, won two junior slams and was widely touted as a future #1 as a teen.

I guess a lot of this is probably down to his abusive dad who bullied him (as opposed to coached) into playing and so took all the fun out of it. Once he made a few millions he became content to just live a playboy life without all the stress and pressure of having to live up to his dad's (and other people's) expectations.


Hall of Fame
I think that Tomic's reduced public profile is due to a change in social media preferences. Whereas he used to reach out to his fan primarily on Tankbook (https://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/ind...-inflammation-tomic-shuts-down-career.602201/), he now spends much of his online time over at Instatank. I have retrieved a recent Tomic update and am happy to share it:

I am sorry to report that I am far too busy to contest The Championships in 2024. The bulk of my time has been committed to celebrating the 13th anniversary of my quarterfinal at Wimbledon, the fifth anniversary of my being fined £45,000 for tanking at Wimbledon, and the two-and-a-halfth anniversary of my predicting that I will win Wimbledon before I retire. I am sure you can appreciate that playing Wimbledon must take a back seat to these essential Wimbledon-related observances. Besides, Arkansas is very lovely this time of year.


Hall of Fame
I used to really dislike him, but digging deeper into the Tank Engine’s background, he seems like a pretty ok guy with a toxic old man who he couldn’t help looking up to — he aped his father’s mannerisms and behaviour, but dad was a complete loon who dominated his life and ended up sabotaging his son’s chances of having a fruitful and prolonged career at the higher levels of pro tennis.

No doubt Bern is drawn to the douchë lifestyle, but underneath it all there’s a very talented tennis player whose story could’ve been a happier one.

jackson vile

I saw Tomic at the grocery store, told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a pain and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
What a disappointment that whole experience must have been


I find this strange. There's no Covid in Arkansas, let alone Covid tests.

Tomic complained of illness during the match, calling for medical attention several times.

'I haven't seen him move for a single ball and he is missing literally everything,' tennis writer Zachary Cohen posted on X.

'He had the doctors out and told them his girlfriend tested positive for Covid this morning.'

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Talk Tennis Guru
He is working his way back up the rankings though. He had dropped all the way down to 825 in August 2022, and he made it back to the Top 250. Right on the edge of Slam qualifiers.

I hope he can make the USO qualies


Hall of Fame
Once he made a few millions he became content to just live a playboy life without all the stress and pressure of having to live up to his dad's (and other people's) expectations.
‘content’ is definitely not a word I would use to describe Tomic

From all accounts he is very unhappy and depressed