What's the tennis scene like in Phoenix, AZ?


I am considering moving to Phoenix Arizona, and I was wondering what the tennis scene is like there. I currently live in Indianapolis, and the scene here sucks. It's hard to find good singles players, and hard courts are really the only playing surface, even at the private clubs.

Is Phoenix any better? One would think that there would be plenty of outdoor tennis facilities and good leagues. What are the club prices like? Court surfaces? Any other input?




Hall of Fame
I figured the tennis would be pretty good in Indy. I live in Dayton (OH) and the tennis is pretty decent. Plenty of good players, and we even have clay courts (10 at my club).


Well, we have a few clay courts here and there, but they don't get a lot of use. The tennis scene in Indy used to be very big. I grew up here, and, at one point, it seemed like everyone played tennis. Now, the player pool is really limited. Maybe, there is a decent amount of school tennis still, but not much beyond that and a bunch of 3.5 leagues.

By the way, what's the winter weather like in AZ. Are there outdoor sports year round? I know Az is hot in the summer, but is it cool/cold in the winter?


Tennis in Arizona is year round. During the summer you play early morning or at night. The night time temps drop to about 80-90s. The only thing that slows down during the summer is the USTA tournaments. Not that many tournaments are held during the months of July or August, but there are some.

There are plenty of private clubs, public leagues and ATA (arizona tennis association) and USTA teams. The scene is probably better than Indy but not as good as say California or Florida. There are some clay and even a club with grass courts but I not a member at either one of these places so I can't tell you much about them. It seems that most of the courts are still hard.


If I may join in here...

Just recently moved down from Washington and looking for people/places to play.

Are there any public tennis centers (indoor/outdoor) that has ball machines and maybe lists of people looking for partners to play with? I know in Washington (seattle area) there were many.

I'm a 4.0+ player in the Chandler area.



SuperJimmy said:
If I may join in here...

Just recently moved down from Washington and looking for people/places to play.

Are there any public tennis centers (indoor/outdoor) that has ball machines and maybe lists of people looking for partners to play with? I know in Washington (seattle area) there were many.

I'm a 4.0+ player in the Chandler area.


Lots to choose from close by. These are the ones I can think off the top of my head which should be 15 minutes or less away. I am sure there more but I don't live in that part of town.

1. Chandler Tennis Center
2. Gene Autry Sports Complex, Mesa
3. Kiwanis Park Recreation Ctr, Mesa
4. Ahwatukee Tennis Club


Well, people don't move to Phoenix to go skiing. Kiwanis in Tempe is great. You won't be disappointed: it's Arizona! Many nice and good players.


GugaGuga said:
I thought there was some skiiing down there, too. At least within a few hours of Phoenix. True?

Yes you can ski in Flagstaff which is about 1.5-2 hours away but don't expect anything like Colorado.


I play at Kiwanis in Tempe. There are good drop-ins for doubles on Tuesday and Thursday nights and in the mornings on Sat. and Sunday.

The singles leagues can be kind of up and down though.

I've heard good things about the Chandler tennis center as well, but haven't played there.

Also, like somone suggested, check out ATA and USTA teams.


Hiya all...

I just started playing again, I used to play in middle school and high school 15 or so years ago (btw, i'm from indy) and I was dumbfounded by how expensive it was to join clubs... the court fees alon are soooooo high... i could go play a round of golf on a decent muni for those prices.

so yeah, iknow what you're talking about... and i haven't found too many people interested in playing regularly either...

oh well...