What's up with Federer and Blue?


Just about every tournament Fed enters he is wearing a shade of blue. Example: Aussie Open 08,10 , French Open 08,09,10, Cincinatti, Montreal, WTF, just about every tourney Fed plays Nike puts him in blue. How about purple, green, yellow?


Hall of Fame
I thought it was because on blue hard courts its harder for the opponent to see where you are if they look fast..


Hall of Fame
I like the blue on Federer, along with red and black. Actually I don't understand why everyone wants him to wear green and purple, it'll look ridiculous just like the orange.


Hall of Fame
Federer is part of Nike's "Classic" clothing line... so his stuff will be classic colors, nothing too trendy like a electrolime or neptune blue. Those colors are for Nadal, the "Trend" clothing line.


I agree with OP but thankfully Fed will be in light pink and purple later this year.

Maybe its a sign of things to come.


I like the blue on Federer, along with red and black. Actually I don't understand why everyone wants him to wear green and purple, it'll look ridiculous just like the orange.

Augustus, I personally thought the orange looked amazing on Fed
Fed: "it's not a pocketbook!....it's a MAN PURSE!....just ask Mirka!..."

True, true & true to all of the above posts (liked the 'Crip' joke too).

Then again, remember all the finger-pointing and laughing during Fed's "gold phase" at Wimbledon?

(the gold trimmed vest and jacket, gold 'swoosh' shoes .... not to mention that big ol' silly his-and-her matching white/w gold pocketbook). ;-)


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New User
The all black made him look meaner and leaner, more intimidating. Especially with his emotionless personality, the all black was way too BA :)