What's your rating?

What's your rating?

  • 7.0 (My name is Andrat Sampederer/Christeffi Navratiles)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6.0 & up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5.5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3.5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3.0

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2.5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2.0 & below+Newcomer (Watch out guys, I am a quick learner!!!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


What's your rating?

This player is just starting to play tennis
This player has limited experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball into play
FOREHAND: Incomplete swing; lacks directional intent
BACKHAND: Avoids backhands; erratic contact; grip problems; incomplete swing
SERVE/RETURN OF SERVE: Incomplete service motion; double faults common; toss is inconsistent; return of serve erratic
VOLLEY: Reluctant to play net; avoids BH; lacks footwork
PLAYING STYLE: Familiar with basic positions for singles and doubles play; frequently out of position
FOREHAND: Form developing; prepared for moderately paced shots
BACKHAND: Grip and preparation problems; often chooses to hit FH instead of BH
SERVE/RETURN OF SERVE: Attempting a full swing; can get the ball in play at slow pace; inconsistent toss; can return slow paced serve
VOLLEY: Uncomfortable at net especially on the BH side; frequently uses FH racket face on BH volleys
SPECIAL SHOTS: Can lob intentionally but with little control; can make contact on overheads
PLAYING STYLE: Can sustain a short rally of slow pace; weak court coverage; usually remains in the initial doubles position
FOREHAND: Fairly consistent with some directional intent; lacks depth control
BACKHAND: Frequently prepared; starting to hit with fair consistency on moderate shots
SERVE/RETURN OF SERVE: Developing rhythm; little consistency when trying for power; second serve is often considerably slower than first serve; can return serve with fair consistency
VOLLEY: Consistent FH volley; inconsistent BH volley, has trouble with low and wide shots
SPECIAL SHOTS: Can lob consistently on moderate shots
PLAYING STYLE: Consistent on medium-paced shots; most common doubles formation is still one-up, one-back; approaches net when play dictates but weak in execution
FOREHAND: Good consistency and variety on moderate shots; good directional control; developing spin
BACKHAND: Hitting with directional control on moderate shots; has difficulty on high or hard shots; returns difficult shot defensively
SERVE/RETURN OF SERVE: Starting to serve with control and some power; developing spin; can return serve consistently with directional control on moderate shots
VOLLEY: More aggressive net play; some ability to cover side shots; uses proper footwork; can direct FH volleys; controls BH volley but with little offense; difficulty in putting volleys away
SPECIAL SHOTS: Consistent overhead on shots within reach; developing approach shots, drop shots; and half volleys; can place the return of most second serves
PLAYING STYLE: Consistency on moderate shots with directional control; improved court coverage; starting to look for the opportunity to come to the net; developing teamwork in doubles
FOREHAND: Dependable; hits with depth and control on moderate shots; may try to hit too good a placement on a difficult shot
BACKHAND: Player can direct the ball with consistency and depth on moderate shots; developing spin
SERVE/RETURN OF SERVE: Places both first and second serves; frequent power on first serve; uses spin; dependable return of serve; can return with depth in singles and mix returns in doubles
VOLLEY: Depth and control on FH volley; can direct BH volleys but usually lacks depth; developing wide and low volleys on both sides of the body
SPECIAL SHOTS: Can put away easy overheads; can poach in doubles; follows aggressive shots to the net; beginning to finish point off; can hit to opponent's weaknesses; able to lob defensively on setups; dependable return of serve
PLAYING STYLE: Dependable ground strokes with directional control and depth demonstrated on moderate shots; not yet playing good percentage tennis; teamwork in doubles is evident; rallies may still be lost due to impatience
FOREHAND: Very dependable; uses speed and spin effectively; controls depth well; tends to overhit on difficult shots; offensive on moderate shots
BACKHAND: Can control direction and depth but may break down under pressure; can hit power on moderate shots
SERVE/RETURN OF SERVE: Aggressive serving with limited double faults; uses power and spin; developing offense; on second serve frequently hits with good depth and placement; frequently hits aggressive service returns; can take pace off with moderate success in doubles
VOLLEY: Can handle a mixed sequence of volleys; good footwork; has depth and directional control on BH; developing touch; most common error is still overhitting
SPECIAL SHOTS: Approach shots hit with good depth and control; can consistently hit volleys and overheads to end the point; frequently hits aggressive service returns
PLAYING STYLE: More intentional variety in game; is hitting with more pace; covers up weaknesses well; beginning to vary game plan according to opponent; aggressive net play is common in doubles; good anticipation; beginning to handle pace
FOREHAND: Strong shot with control, depth, and spin; uses FH to set up offensive situations; has developed good touch; consistent on passing shots
BACKHAND: Can use BH as an aggressive shot with good consistency; has good direction and depth on most shots; varies spin
SERVE/RETURN OF SERVE: Serve is placed effectively with the intent of hitting to a weakness or developing an offensive situation; has a variety of serves to rely on; good depth, spin, and placement on most second serves to force weak return or set up next shot; can mix aggressive and off-paced service returns with control, depth, and spin
VOLLEY: Can hit most volleys with depth, pace, and direction; plays difficult volleys with depth; given opportunity, volley is often hit for a winner
SPECIAL SHOTS: Approach shots and passing shots are hit with pace and a high degree of effectiveness; can lob offensively; overhead can be hit from any position; hits mid-court volley with consistency; can mix aggressive and off-paced service returns
PLAYING STYLE: Frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which his game is built; can vary game plan according to opponent; this player is 'match wise,' plays percentage tennis, and 'beats himself' less than the 4.5 player; solid teamwork in doubles is evident; game breaks down mentally and physically more often than the 5.5 player
This player can hit dependable shots in stress situations; has developed good anticipation; can pick up cues from such things as opponent's toss, body position, backswing, preparation; first and second serves can be depended on in stress situations and can be hit offensively at any time; can analyze and exploit opponent's weaknesses; has developed power and /or consistency as a major weapon; can vary strategies and style of play in a competitive situation.
6.0 to 7.0
These players will generally not need NTRP ratings. Rankings or past rankings will speak for themselves. The 6.0 player typically has had intensive training for national tournament competition at the junior level and collegiate levels and has obtained a sectional and/or national ranking. The 6.5 player has a reasonable chance of succeeding at the 7.0 level and has extensive satellite tournament experience. The 7.0 is a world class player who is committed to tournament competition on the international level and whose major source of income is tournament prize winnings.


If you wish to talk of NTRP ratings, then the rating should be computer generated. The guidelines posted above are worthless. As are the ratings " I'm playing between a 4.0 and 5.0 according to the guidelines, so I must be a 4.5". IMO, this person has no rating.


Gee, tennisnj
Actually I did 'search' but maybe it was incomplete. Anyway, 5.5 is almost intimidating... Morpheus, your rating is falling? Did you defect to Golf? what's happening? tennis-n-sc, I also feel the rating system (or the description itself) is a little bit absurd. So, this poll is just for fun.


It's hardly intimidating Tenny, in my area they don't have tournaments or leagues higher than 5.0, but the club I work at will rate you @ whatever your true rating is. I shouldn't take it out on you Tenny my apologies; lately I just find myself adding to posts like the usual suspects just to see my words on a computer screen.


Last summer in RI, I ask a trainer to rate me. He put me through my paces and said I was a 4.5 with a 5.0 (slice) backhand. But, not living where I can play in NTRP tournaments, it's not a tested rating.


i really don't get this ratings.. but i play div 1 tennis all i know.. but what if someone just say have a pro serve and forehand then they have 5.0 backhand maybe 4.0 volley?


No problemo~

tennisnj said:
It's hardly intimidating Tenny, in my area they don't have tournaments or leagues higher than 5.0, but the club I work at will rate you @ whatever your true rating is. I shouldn't take it out on you Tenny my apologies; lately I just find myself adding to posts like the usual suspects just to see my words on a computer screen.

No problem, nj.
Also you've given out very nice Volkl V1-related info/experience which I appreciated. Regarding the rating, a year ago, I sold one of my racquets to a college player. He offered to hit with me before he left. He hit so heavy groundies from both wing (2HBH), that was the first time I realized there are monsters out there and began to try heavier racquets (until recently PS6.0, not POG). Actually serve is my best shot but we just exchanged groundies, then he told me I was like a good 3.5 because I COULD return his shots! Since then I improved but I still think I am around 3.5



Everyone wants to improve their game, but as far as computer ratings go, there is not much incentive to get above 4.5. Past 4.0 the league activity drops off, and unless you're in a tennis hot spot, there seems to be almost no league activity above 4.5. You can always play in the open division in tournaments, but the sweet spot in tennis is really 3.5--4.0. Combo leagues are the worst because the higher your rating is, the worse your partner will be.

Do you 4.5+ guys play in leagues? Tournaments? Socially?
I'm somewhere in the range of a 35.5-36.0, but my coach says I can prolly get 37.0 if I try REAALLLY hard. I hit every shot off the side of the frame, with my offhand, for winners. I also don't have to use a racquet, occasionally substituting a broom.

I've been banned from NTRP tournaments everywhere except for Alabama (Tennis? Is this here anythang likes tomato-ball?) because everyone I played in the past exploded after the match.


there u go between 5.5-6.0.. sometimes i play against pennants (which is normally in the top 1000 in the world)


GrahamIsSuper said:
I'm somewhere in the range of a 35.5-36.0, but my coach says I can prolly get 37.0 if I try REAALLLY hard. I hit every shot off the side of the frame, with my offhand, for winners. I also don't have to use a racquet, occasionally substituting a broom.

I've been banned from NTRP tournaments everywhere except for Alabama (Tennis? Is this here anythang likes tomato-ball?) because everyone I played in the past exploded after the match.

Ha ha ha, Graham. I wish I wouldn't encounter you on court (fortunately I am far away from Alabama). Are you sure you were talking about your rating, not your age? Also, your 'offhand' remark make me suggest you to watch "Princess Bride (1987)". Once you watch it, you will know what I mean. Seriously, it's a well done, sweet movie, especially young ppl can enjoy (Kids/early teens).

PS) I wonder who is our Andrat Sampederer/Christeffi Navratiles with NTRP 7 rating?
It wasn't me....I'm too good at tennis to rank myself on your petty scales. Luckily, I am rather far away from Alabama, myself.

I also try and stay away from "chick flicks" as much as I can. I bet it's great though ;)


bc-05 said:
i really don't get this ratings.. but i play div 1 tennis all i know.. but what if someone just say have a pro serve and forehand then they have 5.0 backhand maybe 4.0 volley?
You become number one in the world and when somebody asks for your autograph you write "Andy Roddick."


Hall of Fame
I play people from 3.5 to 5.0+ weekly.

I've fairly good chance of beating a grade 4-6 level pennant player.

I'd rate myself 4.0, 4.5 on good day.