Some quiet clarifications.
The slam tournaments in the post War II-1967 period were amateurs ... here usually writes posters more prepared than me for that period but it seems to me that slam tournaments were not very relevant.
IMHO Pro majors are worth half of the current slams, while World Tours are much more valuable

. I can obviously be wrong.
Sampras was incredibly dominant at Wimbledon. Incredibly dominant. I mean, however, the overall domination, all year round in all those that I think are the biggers events ... and Borg 1978-80 IMHO was > Sampras overall. I think that Sampras would always arrive second at the end of the year in those three years of swedish peak. Borg always arrived in the final in NY, then he lost it's true, Pete in Paris was very far from the final.
Connors IMHO was more dominant in 1976 (and also in 1978 .. even if he was lightly behind Borg) than in 1974. But I think I'm the only one to think so ... so we bypass.

Laver certainly dominated in the late 60s. But always IMHO was clearly the best player in 1970, and best player in 1971 and 1972, even without winning slam tournaments.
I did not include the great champions pre War II (Tilden, Budge, Vines etc.), I agree on their domination.