When is it unsporting for the guy to hit his biggest serve in mixed?


Hall of Fame
It is what I mean. Neither you nor your partner should be standing that close to the T when you are receiving serve regardless of who is actually returning the ball. It doesnt do anything except look silly, risk loss of point, and risk injury.

Apparently it also makes you flail wildly at your serve trying to hit someone, which sounds like it would be good for a number of faults and lower first serve % at the very least. Even ignoring other legitimate reasons for standing there (which do exist), sounds like you are just giving opponents extra incentive to me. :D
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"When is it unsporting for the guy to hit his biggest serve in mixed?"

Back to the original question, I'd say when you know you control the match, it's social and you want to keep your dating options open for the future.

If she's a witch and recharges her broom in the club's parking space reserved for electric vehicles, hit her big every time. Instead of at "her/it", ace her wide and to the T so she doesn't even get a chance to touch a ball, making her feel totally impotent. Then, when you've got her used to that, blast her into the body hitting her in the chest--give her a third boob. The object is to get her enraged, walk off, cursing you out as she goes and telling all her friends what a big "a-hole" you are, so she and her fellow witch associates never ask you to play--then you will be a man my son.


Bionic Poster
"When is it unsporting for the guy to hit his biggest serve in mixed?"

Back to the original question, I'd say when you know you control the match, it's social and you want to keep your dating options open for the future.

If she's a witch and recharges her broom in the club's parking space reserved for electric vehicles, hit her big every time. Instead of at "her/it", ace her wide and to the T so she doesn't even get a chance to touch a ball, making her feel totally impotent. Then, when you've got her used to that, blast her into the body hitting her in the chest--give her a third boob. The object is to get her enraged, walk off, cursing you out as she goes and telling all her friends what a big "a-hole" you are, so she and her fellow witch associates never ask you to play--then you will be a man my son.

A man alone on the island of lost souls, eh?


About hitting a woman in the boobs . . .

I don't see what the big deal is. A woman's breasts can take a much bigger shot than a man's testicles.

Unless it is an overhead or groundstroke from close range, I can't imagine a guy hurting my chest with any shot.


Hall of Fame
I once played against a woman who kept the second ball between her boobs. I'm convinced missing a high percentage of first serves against me was in her game plan.


One of my female mixed doubles partner yelled at me once to hit like a man when playing. She wants to win fast and go home not to get beaten and regret later. Now I think if a woman cannot handle this pace, there are 6.0 or 7.0 leagues she may want to consider.


Hall of Fame
Did you see the idiot kid in the video I posted? He was acting out the tough guy routine you are talking about.

I'm not scared to take on a big server, but if Roddick was coming at me with 140...I'd be a little nervous.

I saw the video. I have gotten hit like that several times on the court during a match. Yes, it hurts. You will roll around the ground for a minute or so. But no permanent damage. You'll live. I played on in all cases after a few minutes.

I've also gotten hit in the face with a softball while playing the 3rd base, a hot grounder that jumped over my glove and hit me square in the face. I was in bed for a couple of days, and I was EXTREMELY lucky not to break anything.

I will gladly take Roddick's serve anywhere on the body compared to that. Seriously, other sports players would be laughing at this thread.
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Hall of Fame
If I am playing mixed dubs in a tourney, I'm serving at my best against my opponent. If that person is a woman, so be it. I think it patronizing to let up on a woman in mixed dubs.

As Super Chicken would say to Fred, "You knew the Job was dangerous when you took it".


I played mixed the other day, and after we finished the match the lady said "I'd like to see what your real first serve looks like." She obviously knew that I wasn't hitting my full flat serves at her.

Needless to say I obliged and she got a tennis ball size bruise on her thigh.

We all had a laugh about it, but I definitely don't do it in a match for that reason. I prefer not to hit people in general, let alone a lady. :razz:



I played mixed the other day, and after we finished the match the lady said "I'd like to see what your real first serve looks like." She obviously knew that I wasn't hitting my full flat serves at her.

Needless to say I obliged and she got a tennis ball size bruise on her thigh.

We all had a laugh about it, but I definitely don't do it in a match for that reason. I prefer not to hit people in general, let alone a lady. :razz:


Fuji, I just do not understand this. What level was this woman?

I mean, she *knew* you were going to hit a flat bomb, so she had to be standing well behind the baseline. To block a ball near your thigh, you need to move your racket about 12 inches.

I don't get it. I don't see men or women getting hit by serves at 8.0 mixed.


Fuji, I just do not understand this. What level was this woman?

I mean, she *knew* you were going to hit a flat bomb, so she had to be standing well behind the baseline. To block a ball near your thigh, you need to move your racket about 12 inches.

I don't get it. I don't see men or women getting hit by serves at 8.0 mixed.

The women was a solid 3.5.

To be honest, it sort of baffled me as well. What I think she did is step in for some reason, rather then step back and let it slow down a bit more.



Bionic Poster
About hitting a woman in the boobs . . .

I don't see what the big deal is. A woman's breasts can take a much bigger shot than a man's testicles.

Unless it is an overhead or groundstroke from close range, I can't imagine a guy hurting my chest with any shot.

Have you polled other women on the cushioning aspect of breast tissue?


I have been burned too many times in my mixed league hitting a soft slice/kicker to the woman at crucial times in the name of "good sportsmanship".

I always think its unsportsmanlike in a social setting to come out blasting full first serves at the woman.

I also think in a league if you are clearly dominant over the other team that it is unsportsmanlike to blast full first serves at the woman.

In any tournament (or league in a crucial point/game where the score is close) then I am fine with going whole hog all out blast/kick to the woman.

Actually from my experience I have found that at 4.0 level woman have much much much more difficulty handling the medium paced kicker than anything else just because of the amount of spin on the ball and it being so high and out of their strike zone.

Of course anytime (in any setting) I play another team where the opposing male player is going to blast at my partner then all etiquette is out and I blast as well.


I have never, *ever* played the "I'm a girl" card on a tennis court.

I definitely will play it when a cop pulls me over.

:bat, bat: