How the heck am I supposed to know whether or not you are doing it out of malice or not? It is completely up to the receiver on how to interpret it.
If you don't want to get hit, don't go to the net and don't server up sitters. Otherwise, it is part of the game and live with it.
Are you talking about my statement about hitting more aggressively? When I refer to hitting more aggressively, I don't mean hitting at someone. I mean more pace, deeper shots, more angles (if that's the case)..just all out attacking more, but once again I'm talking about my level of play and my personal game. I don't see any reason to "return the favor" in terms of hitting my opponents when my partner's been hit.
As for the philosophy of "don't go to the net if you don't want to get hit", that's an over-simplification. There are so many variables that come into play during a point. If a point is happening so quickly, that a quick volley results in someone being hit with the ball, that's understandable (non-malicious) But when a slow moving ball that gives you a considerable amount of time to set up and take an aggressive swing is offered up, I believe there should be some moral judgement in that situation. If you choose to go after someone that is otherwise not in the line of fire. I'd say that's pretty malicious. I'm not saying you shouldn't take the advantage of hitting in someone's direction or even hitting toward the lower portion of their body. But the act of trying to hit someone because it's a guaranteed point for you when there are options is always malicious in my mind.
And saying don't serve up sitters? Even the pros can't avoid this situation. How can you expect mere mortals to do any better?
Just my .02
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