New User
Hi everyone, I've been searching for rackets online and I'm definitely set on getting a Babolat. The problem is that I'm not sure what model to get. I'm looking for a pre-owned racket under 100. I don't really care for the pro-models because they're so expensive. I think my options are Pure Drive (Regular or GT) along with Aero Storm (Regular or GT). I'm not sure about the AeroPro Drive. I'm eliminating the Pure Storm because I want a model with the Cortex system. I am more of a baseline player because I am short (about 5'6''), so accuracy is important. I've seen a review for the Aero Storm and it was considered a good base line racket. I'll do research on the others, but what are some suggestions on what I should get? (and why)
Thank you for your time
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