I currently use Wilson ProStaff 6.1 OS. I am thinking about changing to one of these racquets: Head Liquidmetal Prestige MIDplus or ProKennex Kinetic Pro 7G.
The 7g has a Stiffness rating of 66 vs 63 for the Prestige. My Wilson rating is 62. If I am reading the rating correctly, the Wilson and then the Prestige would be less stiff and thus more flexible and more arm friendly than the 7g?
The 7g weight is 11.7 vs 11.9 for the Prestige vs 12.2 for the Wilson. The Balance is 9pts HL for the 7g vs 7pts for the Prestige vs 11pts for the Wilson.
Based on these numbers above, which raquet would be more arm friendly?? Help me understand the numbers.
I currently use Wilson ProStaff 6.1 OS. I am thinking about changing to one of these racquets: Head Liquidmetal Prestige MIDplus or ProKennex Kinetic Pro 7G.
The 7g has a Stiffness rating of 66 vs 63 for the Prestige. My Wilson rating is 62. If I am reading the rating correctly, the Wilson and then the Prestige would be less stiff and thus more flexible and more arm friendly than the 7g?
The 7g weight is 11.7 vs 11.9 for the Prestige vs 12.2 for the Wilson. The Balance is 9pts HL for the 7g vs 7pts for the Prestige vs 11pts for the Wilson.
Based on these numbers above, which raquet would be more arm friendly?? Help me understand the numbers.