Which is the best-looking Tennis racquet?




Hall of Fame
The VCore 100 is a pretty cool looking frame and I loved the racket until it snapped on a high swinging forehand volley......

But the most beautiful racket I have ever seen and/or held in my hand was the old white Prince Spectrum Comp 110.
All white pearly finish with light gray accents and light gray leather grip, IF I recall, perhaps a thin very faint/pale green and/or blue accent line. A thing of beauty and played like a champ (at least for me)

OF course, to paraphrase George S. Patton, I probably looked like a pimp in a cheap New Orleans *****house when I played with it.


Favorite: Head Radical Tour Zebra

-Fischer Mpro 1 Black Granite
-Head Prestige 25 Year
-Original Pro Staff Tour 90
-Yonex RDX 500
-Yonex Rqis 1
-Donnay Gold & Pro One 97
-Pure Control
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Hall of Fame
Why? This is a very boring racquet. And to those that think the Pure Strike is loud, why? I almost hate reading threads like this because it's odd for me to see how many guys prefer lame @$$ paint jobs.

Why? Why, is because I think it looks great. It has a nice glossy/matte all black finish yet it still looks like the graphene speed pro close up. I love all black racquets but I also love colored ones too, which is why I like the pure strike also.

What's your ideal racquet look?


Another vote for the Babolat Pure Strikes here. Lovely matt black with neon red logos, very stealth looking.


Hall of Fame
I am loving the Pure Strike PJ. They had to tweak that red/orange to make it different from all the other Red on Blacks... like the new RF's and the Prince Diablos, etc.
It's not loud to me... it's stylish, and they look great on HD television..

I'm loving all these new paintjobs. But for the poster that put the Prince Tour pj.. that golden/orange.. That's becoming a real favorite. I think the orange on the Burns is well done, too.

Wonder what are some of the favorite mostly WHITE racquets with various accent colors? Haven't seen really any of them listed.


This racquet looks great IMO, graphene speed pro ltd



The Prestige 25th Anniversary Special Edition is great too!!!

Maybe i will get trolled here, because there are many people that hate this racquet, but the Prestige Graphene is very sexy!!!

Roland G

Hall of Fame
The only racket I ever bought for its looks was the Prince Classic Graphite which I think is a fantastic looking, retro-style stick. My wife's Pure Strike is also very easy on the eye (as is she!)


It's a bit over-the-top, but I really like the Radical Tour TT 98s... the Candycane paintjob. I definitely wouldn't describe that PJ as "classy" but it's super-cool.


Really nice paintjob. Not too loud yet noticable enough with the subtle details (modest branding, white strips with red stripe inside hoop, etc.). TAKE NOTE WILSON.

There are some of this racquet vailable here in Brazil. I will buy one!!!



If McDonalds made tennis racquets, they'd look like this.

Ketchup? Meet Mustard.

Think of the cross-brand marketing possibilities:

"Over a billion ( cases of TE, past, present & future ) served!"

"Consistent, mindless baseline bashing across the entire globe!"

"You want fries with that?"

You're welcome!

Now, to whom do I send my invoice for my consulting services?
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John Z.

LOL... very funny!

If McDonalds made tennis racquets, they'd look like this.

Ketchup? Meet Mustard.

Think of the cross-brand marketing possibilities:

"Over a billion ( cases of TE, past, present & future ) served!"

"Consistent, mindless baseline bashing across the entire globe!"

"You want fries with that?"

You're welcome!

Now, to whom do I send my invoice for my consulting services?


Wilson T2000

don't own one, doubt I could play with one, but still think it looks the coolest of all racquets made.


I'm partial to the mostly black PJs.

Love the Prince reissue POGs and Response 97. So clean and classic.

Also a fan of the PK Black Ace and QTour. The upcoming 2015 Prince frames look very nice.

As for non-predominantly-black frames, YouTek IG Prestige Mid and the RF97A.


the 2015 tecnifibres have a beautiful black matte finish with a small red portion on half of the throat

the wilson blade 93 in matte black was pretty b@dss


Hall of Fame
I am still a fan of the RQIS 1 Tour


More than the paintjob, it is the curves and the angles on it. Pictures doesn't do it justice.

The RQIS 1 Tour XL is the racquet I play with. Basically the same racquet aesthetically, but the colors aren't quite as sexy.

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The new Asics racquet may have the best paint job since the Yonex Super RD-Tour, but the shape is a little weird. At least its a nice playing racquet.


The Pure Strikes are hands down the best looking racquets. Duh

Sure, they're all flawed pretty badly in stock form, but I'm still trying to modify one of them just because they look so cool.
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Hall of Fame
The Pure Strikes are hands down the best looking racquets. Duh

Sure, they're all flawed pretty badly in stock form, but I'm still trying to modify one of them just because they look so cool.

They are pretty, aren't they? That was the reason I got it...

Which version are you playing with? I think the Pure Strike Tour is a bad *** of a racket. What are some of Pure Strike's flaws in your view? I've only played with the Tour version but have been interested in the regular version to lead it up...


They are pretty, aren't they? That was the reason I got it...

Which version are you playing with? I think the Pure Strike Tour is a bad *** of a racket. What are some of Pure Strike's flaws in your view? I've only played with the Tour version but have been interested in the regular version to lead it up...

I'm trying to come to terms with the PS100. I have tried different amounts of lead at the butt, but have settled on about .25oz. The lead at 3 and 9 is the question now. I cannot seem to hit a good forehand with it. I've tried an eastern grip and semi-western, but I keep wondering if i need to hit gobs of spin or hit it flat. It's great on serves. Every ball dies if its hit at the top of the stringbed. It doesn't just go a little shorter, it actually dies. Weird. Backhands are great. I think I need to try the 16x19 or the 18x20. I've tried the Tour, but I haven't tried tail-weighting it. It just seemed too heavy and clunky. Even seemed more heavy than the Six.one 95 18x20 that I switched to after it.


Hall of Fame
I'm trying to come to terms with the PS100. I have tried different amounts of lead at the butt, but have settled on about .25oz. The lead at 3 and 9 is the question now. I cannot seem to hit a good forehand with it. I've tried an eastern grip and semi-western, but I keep wondering if i need to hit gobs of spin or hit it flat. It's great on serves. Every ball dies if its hit at the top of the stringbed. It doesn't just go a little shorter, it actually dies. Weird. Backhands are great. I think I need to try the 16x19 or the 18x20. I've tried the Tour, but I haven't tried tail-weighting it. It just seemed too heavy and clunky. Even seemed more heavy than the Six.one 95 18x20 that I switched to after it.

To me, the Pure Strike Tour is one of the best sticks for hitting hard and FLAT. It's not made for wristy, whippy strokes, imo. Even for being an 18x20 pattern, it does offer some nice bite and spin on the ball.


Hall of Fame
The best looking racquet is the one you're holding after you win a match.

Scratch that, the one your character is holding in wii tennis....

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