Which is the best-looking Tennis racquet?


Wilson T2000

don't own one, doubt I could play with one, but still think it looks the coolest of all racquets made.

Capulin Zurdo

Hall of Fame
I'd have to go with the blacked out Volkl PB 10 Mid; I really like the black/yellow paint job, but the all black is just too good.


Hall of Fame
Do you tail weight the Tour? For me, it needs to be slightly more headlight.

I forced myself to get used to its weight and balance. I actually slowed my swing down and just met the ball... to get the timing down, then slowly put more speed and force behind the shots... over about two weeks period. I was really dialed in after that.

After the first hit, though, I almost sold it because I couldn't get used to its feel coming from the IGPMP. The PST needs some time to get used to its unique feel and weight/balance.


Yonex rd 7 by far

Excellent Choice. I was thinking about it....and I have been through many generations of rackets....some beautiful and some ugly. I have liked plain ones (prince graphite, Yamaha Secrets), and gaudy ones (orignal pro 1) since the early days, and that continues to be true today...

When trying to think of one that really stands out, the RD7 sprang to mind, even though I never played with one (for more than an hour - thought about switching at one point - came close). The looks surprised me though...I was expecting gaudy, cheesy, yellow and red flames like some 70's dragster....but instead it was subtle with flare. Rich, dark, black with the colors blending in beautifully. Great racquet.
Vintage rackets best looking
Volkl t9-30 candy apple red with white accents
Puma super 0r the estusa provantech and the power beam series, with white strings red stencils and white overgrip
Kneissl red 90's model I think ...vertically halved into red and black with yellow accents
Kneissl's toms reach machine White and black model
Yonex Rd ti titanium mesh long the midsize red krajeck racket
Volkl c-8 pro ( mid 90's)
Model white and black hints of yellow( wish that the yellow would have been red accents though)


Head Youtek IG Instinct MP is the most beautiful racket I've ever touch.
These 3D style stickers (pic below) are very difficult to described or understand them in a photo...


Unfortunately the racket itself is too harsh...


Talk Tennis Guru
The new RF97. Specs aren't my case but I'll be demoing it in the hope of liking it cause it looks so good! :oops:


The most beautiful racquet??? You cannot be serious! Who is obsessed with beauty in a racquet?
Should we have a beauty pageant ?
Some of the stuff on this forum is so absurd. But it does make me crack up.

John Z.

'Wilson Blade 93 2013' hands down (of which the current FSTs and RF97 are just copycats).

The Yonex Ezone AI/DR 98 are not bad either, not as classy but nevertheless tasteful and novel look imo.


To my eyes there is no racquet more beautiful, elegant, or regal than the 2012/2013 Wilson BLX Pro Staff Six.One 90. If I can make a car analogy, a lot of paint jobs are cool like Lamborghinis and Paganis, but the BLX Pro Staff Six.One 90 is styled like an Aston Martin.



To my eyes there is no racquet more beautiful, elegant, or regal than the 2012/2013 Wilson BLX Pro Staff Six.One 90. If I can make a car analogy, a lot of paint jobs are cool like Lamborghinis and Paganis, but the BLX Pro Staff Six.One 90 is styled like an Aston Martin.

Aston Martin just shuddered at the thought of gold spriraling stripes.


Hall of Fame
Tecnifibre LTD
Tecnifibre Tfight 320 Samurai paintjob!!!
Angell (both old school battleship grey and the new one!!)
Prince Textreme Tour 95
Prince Bryan Bros LTD
Prince Phantom
Wilson Kblade (really the H22 in Kblade paint, without the X loop Weave)
Head Graphene XT Prestige
Prince Textreme Tour 100T
Head Bumblebee Radical :)

Honorable mention goes out to .....Donnay Pro One Tri and Quad Core (newest paintjob)
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Dunlop Biomimetic 300 Tour, Wilson BLX PS90, Angell TC90 with red grommets and black strings.


Nothing as beautiful as 70's and 80's wooden racquets. Among current racquets, Donnays smoke/chrome-like finish looks awesome.