Which Is The Best OverGrip?

  • Thread starter HurricaneDominic
  • Start date

Which Is The Best OverGrip

  • Prince DuraTac

    Votes: 6 2.1%
  • Babolat VS

    Votes: 22 7.7%
  • Dunlop Gecko-Tac

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Gamma Supreme Power

    Votes: 15 5.3%
  • Head XtremeSoft

    Votes: 6 2.1%
  • Head Agassi

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Kirschbaum Touch It

    Votes: 3 1.1%
  • Tourna Grip Original

    Votes: 56 19.6%
  • Wilson Pro Overgrip

    Votes: 87 30.5%
  • Yonex Super Grap

    Votes: 87 30.5%

  • Total voters


Comment if your opinion of the Best OverGrip is not stated.


Pacific isn't listed either I'm afraid. Someone should do this with all the overgrips if possible.


Pacific isn't listed either I'm afraid. Someone should do this with all the overgrips if possible.

You can only have 10 poll options, why not pick your favourite from the list?


You can only have 10 poll options, why not pick your favourite from the list?
No worries, I have, actually: Yonex Supergrap (which I prefer over Pacific, by the way).
That was more of a question - too bad we can't do a comprehensive poll. There should be quallies :)


I didn't expect Yonex to be in the lead at this point. I have used Yonex, Wilson and Dunlop before.


Tourna Grip because you can get it in huge rolls and it works. It beats getting 3 little strips of nothing only to try and make them last for months. I use this same concept for string and how if you play forsrs that you need to buy reels and change them often!


dunlop osmo-dry og.
grip is not too grippy (a little less than tourna tac), absorbancy is comparable to tourna grips, and durability is better than all the tourna's.
i heard the dunlop gecko tac og is even more grippy than the wilson pro's.

i'm still using up my tourna tacs. just because of poor durability i may switch to osmo-dry if i feel the same way when all my tourna tac's are done.


Best for what?

Everyone has they're own preferences and requirements for overgrips. Some people like a papery feel (Supergrap), others like a 'material' type (Tournagrip), others like something tacky (Xtremesoft), some people like the brand and don't mind replacing it every couple of weeks (Pro-Overgrip and VS).

Having tried them all, I currently use Xtremesoft because its sticky/tacky to start off with and durable. I like Tournagrip as well but it annoys me that its not pre-cut. Otherwise it would probably be my preferred overgrip. VS and Pro-Overgrip do a job but don't seem to last and disintegrate more quickly. Supergrap is okay but I absolutely don't like the dry, papery feel of it - my palms ain't that sweaty. The stickiest/tackiest overgrip is Gecko.
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Average temps (70s/80s). Super Grap for tackiness and durability.

103 degrees with humidity in the sun, Tournagrip. Period.
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Average temps (70s/80s). Super Grap for tackiness and durability.

103 degrees with humidity in the sun, Tournagrip. Period.

For average temps, I prefer Gamma Supreme. It's more tacky than Supergrap.

For hottet temps...Supergrap is a little better cause it's a little more absorbant.

For hottest temps + humidity and lots of sweating....you can't beat Tournagrip, if you don't mind that "paper towel" feel.


I just bought some GeckoTac. I'm quite excited to see what Dunlop have so called 'developed'.


Hall of Fame

I just tried VS not because of brand but because it's described as one of the thinnest available with a dry feel.

Yes, it probably won't last long, but we're talking little more than the cost of a soft drink in exchange for a week or two of a very dry surface that doesn't obscure the bevels or alter weight and grip size. Other OGs I've tried turn the grip into a baseball bat even when wrapped tight! :). Heck, VS is so thin I can even feel the flaws in how I wrapped the replacement grip! :shock:



I just tried VS not because of brand but because it's described as one of the thinnest available with a dry feel.

Yes, it probably won't last long, but we're talking little more than the cost of a soft drink in exchange for a week or two of a very dry surface that doesn't obscure the bevels or alter weight and grip size. Other OGs I've tried turn the grip into a baseball bat even when wrapped tight! :). Heck, VS is so thin I can even feel the flaws in how I wrapped the replacement grip! :shock:


I wanted to try out VS because of its market longevity and the thinness. I really love the bevel definition, and the absorption is surprisingly pretty good. It has the perfect amount of tack for me, and it outshines Wilson Pro and Supergrap in terms of overall feel and it doesn't get slick, even those are excellent grips in their own right. I'm currently debating between VS and Pro OG Perforated, and I can confidently say it's not because of the brand.


New User
tough question, it depends on what you mean, best in terms of thin but still tacky is babolat vs for me, but best in terms of comfort and tack is definitely yonex super grap.


I use the Yonex supergrap .Although strange the 12 pack ones are better and more durable than the 36 pack !


I use the Yonex supergrap .Although strange the 12 pack ones are better and more durable than the 36 pack !
I find similar with the Wilson pro. The 3-12 packs have a softer feel with more stretch and tack while the 30 packs have a slightly more dry feel. Maybe it’s because they are stretched to fit the packing.


Tourna grip is wonderful when new but barely lasts one day of hard playing.

Yonex SuperGrap feels great and has good durability.


Hall of Fame
Tourna grip is wonderful when new but barely lasts one day of hard playing.

Yonex SuperGrap feels great and has good durability.
The tourna tac is not too bad for longevity. But not the same feel as wilson or yonex white overgrips.


Used original Tourna forever. Tried Super Grap earlier this year and haven't looked back since. Super Grap simply provides everything I'm looking for in a grip and it easily outlasts others.


What's the softest / most cushiony overgrip that's not too tacky? I've always used Tourna Grip, so I like the texture of that but am looking for something softer. Is Wilson Pro a good option? Or Super Grab? I'd love to get the Super Grab with the Wawrinka-shorts pattern, but no clue how soft it is.


What's the softest / most cushiony overgrip that's not too tacky? I've always used Tourna Grip, so I like the texture of that but am looking for something softer. Is Wilson Pro a good option? Or Super Grab? I'd love to get the Super Grab with the Wawrinka-shorts pattern, but no clue how soft it is.
Wilson Pro Overgrip is the softest overgrip I've tried. It's moderately tacky, so not as tacky as Tourna Mega Tac. Yonex Super Grap is comparable, but the Wilson just feels softer to me.


I like Kirschbaum Touch the best as it works well in both humid and dry conditions while being thin (allowing me to feel the bevels) which I like. VS is good too. If I’m using Wilson, I prefer Perf to Pro as it feels thinner while being comparable otherwise.


Wilson Pro Overgrip is the softest overgrip I've tried. It's moderately tacky, so not as tacky as Tourna Mega Tac. Yonex Super Grap is comparable, but the Wilson just feels softer to me.

Thanks, I'll give it a shot! Have you (or has anyone else here) tried Tourna Soft Tac? It sounds promising (for what I'm looking for), but I don't want anything TOO tacky.


New User
Wilson advantage overgrip Absorbent in red colour. I have tried many incl. wilson pro overgrip, vs original, tourna dry...Ended up at this grip which I accidentally purchased. It has a alcantara feel, absorbs the sweat really well. It will last about three weeks if I play 3x/week. Have a leather grip from wilson as base


New User
forgot to add...it cost £8.49 for a pack of 3. It on the thinner side, would compare it babolat vs original. It also comes in black colour


All overgrips are made in China, with maybe a couple exceptions. It may sound like sacrilege to the major corporation supporters, but I have had very good luck with Alien Pro light tac, a cheap Chinese knockoff sold in medium large quantities by the big rainforest folks. They are half the price of majors, last just as long and get just as dirty just as quickly. They only last a couple weeks, so this is not like a lifetime investment.


What's the softest / most cushiony overgrip that's not too tacky? I've always used Tourna Grip, so I like the texture of that but am looking for something softer. Is Wilson Pro a good option? Or Super Grab? I'd love to get the Super Grab with the Wawrinka-shorts pattern, but no clue how soft it is.
Signum Pro makes one that is like velvet. Not terribly absorbent or durable, but works well for a week or so.


Hall of Fame
What's the softest / most cushiony overgrip that's not too tacky? I've always used Tourna Grip, so I like the texture of that but am looking for something softer. Is Wilson Pro a good option? Or Super Grab? I'd love to get the Super Grab with the Wawrinka-shorts pattern, but no clue how soft it is.
softest/most cushiony I would say Yonex Wave Grap. IMO it's not as tacky as their Super Grap and definitely adds cushion, but it will increase your grip size.

Between Super Grap and Wilson Pro, Pro is a little thicker and more cushioned I would say.


All overgrips are made in China, with maybe a couple exceptions. It may sound like sacrilege to the major corporation supporters, but I have had very good luck with Alien Pro light tac, a cheap Chinese knockoff sold in medium large quantities by the big rainforest folks. They are half the price of majors, last just as long and get just as dirty just as quickly. They only last a couple weeks, so this is not like a lifetime investment.
No they are not.


I was long-time and devout Tournagrip user until I found Super Grap and I have tried a lot of the others as well. Wilson Pro is great if you don't mind having to change it after an hour and don't mind its sub-par grip feel.

The only time I don't use Super Grap is when it's summer here in Texas and then I switch over to Yonex Dry Grap.


-in the winter time (dry/indoor) the stickier ones are best IMO
-summer time is something else
-tourna tac/mega-tac are the ones to beat, (in the winter time months, "for me ")!
-IMO yonex super grap is a bit stickier than wilson, but not by much,
-^this changes in summer time


softest/most cushiony I would say Yonex Wave Grap. IMO it's not as tacky as their Super Grap and definitely adds cushion, but it will increase your grip size.

Between Super Grap and Wilson Pro, Pro is a little thicker and more cushioned I would say.
Thats funny, I feel like Super Grap is thicker than the Pro Overgrip.