Which one is true about where Rafael Nadal adds lead to his tennis racket?
Nadal plays with a Babolat Aero Pro Drive racket with Babolat Duralastc strings and has 15g of lead tape at the top of his racket under the bumper and 5g of lead in the handle.
There is no way to take a racquet with the specs given by USRSA and make it into a "Nadal" racquet. However, if one had a racquet with Tennis Warehouse's measurements, one could add roughly 9.5 grams under the bumperguard near the tip, and about 2.5 grams one inch up from the end of the butt cap to get a racquet with measurements very similar to those of Nadal's racquet.
Nadal plays with a Babolat Aero Pro Drive racket with Babolat Duralastc strings and has 15g of lead tape at the top of his racket under the bumper and 5g of lead in the handle.
There is no way to take a racquet with the specs given by USRSA and make it into a "Nadal" racquet. However, if one had a racquet with Tennis Warehouse's measurements, one could add roughly 9.5 grams under the bumperguard near the tip, and about 2.5 grams one inch up from the end of the butt cap to get a racquet with measurements very similar to those of Nadal's racquet.