Which order would you recommend reading these tennis books?


New User
Just bought these 4 books:

1. Winning Ugly
2. The Inner Game of Tennis
3. Serious Tennis
4. World Class Tennis Techniques

These books have been referenced on these message boards a lot so I thought I'd ask if reading them in any specific order would be more useful or not...



Hall of Fame
just flip through them. its not a novel, u can skip around... look for whats important. make up your own mind. dont need us to help you read books.

Bungalo Bill

swinger said:
Just bought these 4 books:

1. Winning Ugly
2. The Inner Game of Tennis
3. Serious Tennis
4. World Class Tennis Techniques

These books have been referenced on these message boards a lot so I thought I'd ask if reading them in any specific order would be more useful or not...


I would also like to recommend Visual Tennis by John Yandell. The order of reading depends on your level.

joe sch

If you have an "outter game" then surely read The Inner Game of Tennis first !
If you need to learn mechanics, strategy and gamesmanship then read the other books and learn how to play tennis, ie "outter game"
Once you have an "outter game" and it fails under certain conditions, ie tennis is mostly mental at the advanced levels, then you need to learn the "inner game"



I would recommend saving "The Inner Game of Tennis" for the winter. Then use it to throw in your fireplace to keep you warm.

I'm sorry to go against the norm here, but I think that book is a load of crap! A whole book to say "Concentrate on your game". That guy found a bunch of suckers to make money off of!