I am using Signum Pro Hyperion strings for a while now and found this to offer a good combination of touch & feel, power & control while it lacks in spin potential department.
Looking for some other string to offer better spin potential plus touch & feel close to Hyperion.
I already tried these strings, some are offering better spin performance, however I did not felt in love regarding to what has been delivered else... Signum Pro Tornado, MSV Hepta-Twist, Gamma Black Ice, Gamma Zo Verve, Solinco Tour Bite, Volkl Cyclone.
Could one of these strings be worth a try? Alien Black Diamond, Kirschbaum Pro Line II black, Gamma Zo Twist; or other strings not yet taken into consideration?
Thanks, gd!
I am using Signum Pro Hyperion strings for a while now and found this to offer a good combination of touch & feel, power & control while it lacks in spin potential department.
Looking for some other string to offer better spin potential plus touch & feel close to Hyperion.
I already tried these strings, some are offering better spin performance, however I did not felt in love regarding to what has been delivered else... Signum Pro Tornado, MSV Hepta-Twist, Gamma Black Ice, Gamma Zo Verve, Solinco Tour Bite, Volkl Cyclone.
Could one of these strings be worth a try? Alien Black Diamond, Kirschbaum Pro Line II black, Gamma Zo Twist; or other strings not yet taken into consideration?
Thanks, gd!