Who do you consider to be the GOAT amongst classical music composers?


Bionic Poster
I can, on occasion, get Brahms and Liszt.
I don't play any instruments.
I would love to learn to play the piano.
That Hungarian Rhapsody #2 from Liszt, the second half of it, the Friska, so easy. I'd do it better than Tom and Jerry.

Dan Lobb

Robert Shaw made this famous recording of Christmas carols in 1983. My mother sang under Shaw in a 1964 performance of Walton's Belshazzar's Feast.

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Dan Lobb

One of my former fellow students from Western University, soprano Nancy Argenta, appears on this energetic recording by Gardiner of the Bach Magnificat (not Emma Kirkby as shown on the photo).

Nancy Argenta sings the third section, which is for soprano and oboe.

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Bionic Poster
When did Western culture die? Classical music is museum culture. And Western values are extinct. They crashed and burned along with the exuberance of the sixties.

Dan Lobb

This Bach performing group from Germany is well-informed in their performance practice.
This was performed a few hours ago.

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Dan Lobb

Bach's most impressive compositions for solo keyboard, played here on Bach's favourite keyboard instrument, the pianoforte, a modern instrument adjusted by Gould himself for clairty and resonance control.


Dan Lobb

Music can play an important role in international politics.

Here is a performance from a month ago by a famous Canadian pianist in China.

The first sonata here by Haydn was performed by myself live in 1969 at Western University, my most successful performance. My piano professor later told me that most of the audience "compliments" were related to my performance, part of a joint student recital. My wife and I attended my professor's birthday a few months ago, she is still alert and active.

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Bionic Poster
China is a great country, but pandas are more important than pianos in international politics.

Music can play an important role in international politics.

Here is a performance from a month ago by a famous Canadian pianist in China.

The first sonata here by Haydn was performed by myself live in 1969 at Western University, my most successful performance. My piano professor later told me that most of the audience "compliments" were related to my performance, part of a joint student recital. My wife and I attended my professor's bithday a few months ago, she is still alert and active.



Bionic Poster
Once we had ping-pong diplomacy but now panda exchanges are an element of international relations with China.

I'm not surprised that this is another one of your many areas of ignorance.

You are full of nonsense, as usual. You should have attended school before spouting your opinions.

Dan Lobb

I heard this conductor in Japan at Tokyo's Suntory Hall this past September with the Schubert Ninth Symphony.
He is music director of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra.


Dan Lobb

Music is often a mode of international cultural expression, one prominent example being the 1960 Carnegie Hall appearances of Sviatoslav Richter, the most heralded performances being these from October 25, 1960.

Richter was a master of Haydn, Debussy and Schumann, as proven here.


Dan Lobb

Richter was unaware that he was being recorded, the microphone was hidden inside the piano. He had requested that no recording be made.

Dan Lobb

Debussy introduced substantial folk music elements into his work, including these masterworks, the orchestral "Images", a musical travelogue.

These performances were recorded by Pierre Monteeux, a contemporary of Debussy.



Bionic Poster
Lots of composers introduced substantial folk music elements into their works, so that's not Debussy's claim to originality.

Debussy introduced substantial folk music elements into his work, including these masterworks, the orchestral "Images", a musical travelogue.

These performances were recorded by Pierre Monteeux, a contemporary of Debussy.



Bionic Poster
I did not say the Beatles are classical. I was pointing out that policing genres is sometimes a dubious operation.

As you pointed out, classical music incorporated folk music into itself so classical music itself is an unpoliced genre.

The Beatles are not classical. They may be "classics" but the term classical is reserved for large-scale constructions.
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