Capriati was in fact one of the luckiest 3 time slam winners ever. She didnt have the ability of a 3-time slam winner at all, only a 0 or 1 time slam winner. It is completely unfair she ends with the same # of slam titles as Davenport who was a much better player.
I think Clijsters, Sabatini, and Novotna in their primes were all better players and they each won only 1. Look at the # of tournaments and tier 1 titles those 3 won compared to Jennifer. Capriati had trouble beating Clijsters in 2001-2002 when Kim and wasnt in their prime, then starting in 2003 Kim totally dominated Jennifer. Sabatini dominated Capriati during her first prime, and Novotna has a big career head to head edge on Jennifer. Sabatini and Novotna were unlucky to be at their peaks during Graf and some of Seles's peaks (as well as ASV) and also to lose a slam title or two they should have won via choking. Capriati got the luckiest circumstances to win her 3 slams imaginable, contrasted to the horrible luck Davenport always got in slams, and Seles got in her post stabbing years when she was still always a real contender. Davenport was playing at a much higher level overall even in 2001-2002 then Jennifer and still won 0 slams to Jennifer's 3 due to this contrast in luck, and Seles was playing at an equaly high or higher level the entire 8 year period of 95-2003 as Jennifer was the 4 year period of 2001-2004 but won 1 slam to Jennifer's 3 in over half the time playing atleast as well due to Jennifer's luck and Monica's non luck. I could go into great deal what I mean but most who followed the game during those time would already be aware what I am talking about.
Also I am no Graf fan, but anyone who rates her outside the top 4 women all time is just a biased hater. Is she #1, #2, #3, or #4 all time? Open for debate. #8 all time? Insanity.
I consider Jennifer an actual inferior tennis player to players with less slams like Mauresmo (2), Pierce (2), Clijsters (1), Sabatini (1), Novotna (1) who just got so much luck to win 3 slam titles. Considering she is hyped as an underachiever who had the promise to be an all time great I consider her one of the most overhyped and overrated players ever. The only head to head which will contrast this is her head to head with Pierce. Well Pierce's prime was 1994-2000 and 2005. Capriati's prime was 1991-1993 and 2001-2004. All their matches were in Capriati's prime, never Pierce's. You flip the other way and Pierce is just as dominant I bet. I guess this also showed even someone like Pierce who also had a mecurial career was still decent enough to play good players in their non-prime years, while Capriati sucked giant balls in her non prime years and hardly ever won enough matches to play someone decent.