He doesn't? What do you call having several of his trashy groupies sitting in the crowd watching his matches? Safin was a known player who definitely got around quite a bit.
My, my -- what insight! Gleaned from your fine connoisseurship of tabloid fodder no doubt. After all, celebrity "facades" are unmediated reflections of lived reality. It's not as if "access to" and "perception of" their lives is influenced by superficial media narratives that consequently influence the public construction of their "image".
Point being, it's asinine to critically judge a book by it's cover, especially in the context it's location and proximity to you.
You have crap taste in men, 10is.
Why so judgemental Clarky? Maybe I'm just a slūt with daddy issues who enjoys partying with man-whōres.
Somehow, you miss the hypocrisy of the following...
...only to post your own venom-overdosed attack:
An analogous retaliation is not hypocritical when it's committed with demonstrative intent.
Right, unlike the classy, sexy wholesome goodness that is Nadal who has a fetish of performing ***-to-mouth on himself in public. :roll:
LOL, you are quite knowledgeable ;-)
Thank you, however in my case mere "knowledge" is the extent of my affinity with the subject; where as you on the other hand come across as some one who speaks directly from experience.