All Time: Sampras, why you ask? how about when he broke down into tears for minutes in 1995 oz quarters, and when courier said we can do this tomorrow, he just got this look on his face, and you knew it was coming, and then BOOM ace. howabout the time he threw up on court, or when he collapsed and cudn't evne shake the opponents hand after winning, thats grit. noone has that now. nomatter what you tell me, you'll never find a match that topped the 95 oz quarters for me.
current: nadal, why? cuz it never gets old making fun of him picking at his butt in between pts. why the hell doesn't he wear like compresion shorts instead of whatever hes wearing now? i donno. but sides that, man he fights, hes got that grit i love to see, never say die attitude thats got everyone intimidated, including fed man.
honorobale mentions: federer for having th emost complete game of anyone arguably ever, and blake for going through the biggest life trials of anyone ive ever heard of on tour, adn coming back going top 10,, that takes class.